Chapter 1

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   "And so Maya, princess of Teca and death, became the sun. Zatz, prince of bats, became the moon. Together the two are interlocked in a joyous dance forever. Now it is said that new gods and godesses will be found, lead and taught by a human with multi-colored eyes. Born from the fires of the Jungle Lands, blessed by the wizards and witches of the Lunar Islands, trained by the barbarians of the Golden Mountains, and the future Teca ruler will bring the new gods and goddesses of our realm. The human will be claimed by all and owned by none, leading our fate!" Smiled the story teller.

The sun kissed the ground as it jetted out the last rays of light in fairwell as the children looked to the woman before them in awe. Her wild hand gestures pativated their gazes, moving with her words as if it were a dance she had memorised through the years.

"No one knows who the human is or when they will show but when they do it is said that their eyes will shine as bright as the stars, wisdom as vast as any library, and magic as mysterious and unknown as the dark"  the woman continued as she gazed longingly at the sun setting as if her story were her grand declare to Maya herself.

In return the sky shifted from orange to black as the day turned into night and the day waved goodbye. The woman looked down at her children fondly as if pride echoed from her very heartbeats to theirs. She noded to the sun and ened her tale.

"My children, it is time to bid Maya goodbye and welcome Zatz for the night. Run along now, it is time to rest" The woman urged with a gental smile as she led the children hom.

  The crackle of fire warmed the area, weak wood falling deeper into the flames causing ash to shoot up into the sky, the glowing orange ashes reaching for the stars as if trying to join them.

"Goodbye Princess Maya, may your rest bring you energy. Welcome back Prince Zatz, it's a pleasure to great you on such a fine night" you noded towards the sky.

The silence filled the area as you gazed at the sky as if awaiting a response. When none can you only smiled with nod as you looked into the fire. You looked into the fire for a long time, remembering the meaning of the flames before you. The world started in fire and seemed to end in it. A thing that breaths and seems to live doesn't. Giving off heat and comfort yet pain. A touble endged sword you found yourself relating too, in close proximity brought comfort and too close brought the sentation of danger. You would have continued such comparisons if not for the loud quack, shaking the ground and dragging your attention away. You stood quickly picking up your axe, you smother the fire.

You throw on your bag and charge into the derection of the crash, snaking through trees and over rocks. The air thicked, heat radeating off as you drew closer. The solid dirt turned loose as the sight of it became clear. Trees now up-rooted pointed away, leaves shooken free from the impact. A creater made a bowl in the middle of such woods. You approached the lip of the hole to find a white and grey rock, steam rising from it as it seemed to crack, a jagid line climbing up from it's side and splitting into three near the middle. Througj cracked nothing else seemed to happen for a while. You released a breath you were holding as you looked up at the sky from which the rock had fallen.

"Well this is new" you commented but paused when a kind of knock was heard.

The knocking got louder and the a chunk of the rock was knocked out revealing a arm pushing it out. Stunned you stood for a second but within that time the rock crumbled, crushing whatever was inside it. You skidded down the side of the hole amd dug through the broken bolder, digging out the figure. You dragged them out of thd crater, grabbing them by the shoulders. Setting down the figure gently with a huff and finnally took in their figure. The figure was male and dressed in a black and green armor, carved into it was beautiful designs in it like the dragon heads on his shoulders which you had grabbed him by. He had silvery white hair that almost touched his shoulders, he had the eye color of an ambor brown, he had purple and white face paint that was scuffed to the piont that the designs were no existent, and he wore an eye patch over his eye or what used to be. He groaned but showed no sign of waking up.

"Well if you are who I think you are this may be an issue" You spoke looking between him and the moon.

The Moon Fell (Zatz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now