Chapter 8

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You awoke to a small hiss from outside your tent. You groaned as you stood up, trying to shake the soreness and sleepiness. You pull your yourself out of your bed roll, grumbling as you opened your tent flap. However,, you were completely caught of guard when you found the camp infested with fox sized spiders. All of them the color of black, brown, and a handful of unique colors to them. Two stood in front of your tent and on sight of seeing you one nudged the other forward which hesitantly walked forward.

It laid a band or flowers and leafs made into a flower crown, all tied together in spider silk. You knelt down and gently picked up the crown, tenderly as to not harm it but actually found it to be sturdy. The silk was incredibly soft, the leaves and flowers still very healthy. Brightly-colored and exotic flowers circled the band and created an array of beauty. You looked between the spider and the crown who seemed to look entently back at you and the ground.

"Thank you?" You started, confused.

The sider looked back up at you and their eyes widened, "really?"

You were once again shocked, "what did, did you just talk?"

"Yes, I believe so" they replied backing up nervous.

"You should come with us" the other spider spoke approaching, "there is someone who wants to see you."

"And whom may that me?" You asked hesitantly.

"Your sister"


When I awoke I was covered in a thick layer of spider silk, creating a cocoon around my body. I struggled against it only to find the bindings too tight. Pulling a dagger loose form my pants, I begin to cut myself free little by littler, the silk breaking off into small stands until I finally could break the cocoon on my own. Clearing the silk from me and slipping back on my black and green armor I grab my sword and head out of my tent.

Looking around our camp, 4hings seemed intact, no sign of struggle or even someone entering it. However, (Y/n) tent flap was loose, flapping in the gentle breeze. I quickly head over to their tent and check inside. They were gone, ax, sword, and pack was left behind. Still no sign of struggle but concerning. I quickly headed to Maya's tent to find her in the same bindings as I myself was in.

"Maya!" I called to her.

"Hm?" She groaned as she tried to turn or stand but when she couldn't she panicked, "Zatz, what is this!"

I quickly cut her free, being careful as to not harm her as she too, broke free. I helped her out of the silk and pulled her up.

"Zatz, what's going on?" Maya asked.

"It's (Y/n), their gone. There seemed to be no signs of struggle but give me and you both were bound without knowledge of it it could easily be the case. You get you armor and sword, I'll check on Maria. Wait for me and we'll track them down together."


Walking cautiously into a cave you couldn't help but find all of this comforting. Sure you were being led into a creepy cave covered in webs and surrounded by spiders of all sizes but you seemed to be well guarded by them, giving you space all the same. The night sky shined through the canopy echoing the star and moon light through the leaves that disappeared as you were swallowed by the cave. You quickly found the cave to be a maze you would have quickly been lost in if not for the spiders guiding you.

Eventially you were led to a room full of natural crystals poking out the walls and treasures piles everywhere. If you didn't know better you'd though you walked into a dragon's cave. Upon the treasures were the acastional scroll or book and on top of it all sat a very large spider that honestly could have been the size of a dragon itself. You became very aware of your exit plan if things went south, the turns you took and a sword in a pile to the left of you.

"My lady, we have delivered them here"  the other spider spoke.

The larger spider turned around to reveal it's large eyes which looked down at you. It gently inch a but closer, silence filling the room. She took a deep breath that may have been relief or of stress.

"I see, it's been quite some time sibling" she spoke, a sweet voice that strained slightly on the vowels.

"Sibling?" You asked.

The sider took consideration before speaking, "I supposed that you may have little memory of me or our mother. You were hardly alive for long, but I am not against reliving the older times", she started.

"Back when you were born you lived in a small village on the outskirts of the jungle kingdom. Your mother had set you down to fulfill a task and my mother found you. You were so small and fragile that she was suprised that you didn't cry or try to run, while every other human had be frightening of her. You were perfectly content with feeling the fur of her legs. When your mother came back for you she found you laughing and playing with a creature your people considered to be a monster."

" However, when she returned you to your mother you were considered to be blessed by the jungle. The people began leaving you out for my mother as a sign of good faith and she became attached to you. By the age of two your had two families, one with us and one with your human family. You became my sibling and I couldn't understand why our mother loved you so, I was born before the fires and the hunts of our kind so I had though humans had always been kind to us but just a little thing like you had won us harmony without even trying."

  "We were give food at times, gifts others, they treated us like a friendly neighbor. All was peaceful until the fire, we believe it was a war between the jungle and the mountains that caused it, bring down your village and people. When mother learned of it she rushed to your aid, taking down any who dare neared your home but even a warrior can't fight a fire. When the sun rose and the ashes settled the mountain people won. My mother's last defense was keeping her solid corpse over your body, but even your crying couldn't be muffled by her."

  " A man from the mountains found an ash covered baby and took you with him, the only surviving human. That was the last time I saw you. So I held out here for you, building a home that would never burn and waited for the day you'd return home." She spoke with so much severity that you couldn't help but lean into the words, a home.

You hadn't had one for some time now as it was so tempting to completely believe her. You knew you were born to the jungle kingdom and your father had taken you in when your family was no where to be found but there was no proof. That was until she pulled something from the pile. It was ring with a blood red jewel on it with black metal shaped as a spider. It was something you remembered faintly fiddling with it as a young child.

"This was your's, mother had it made for you, who crafted it I can't recall but you would play with it and at one point tried to eat it" she laughed to herself quietly.

"I remembered it" you muttered before Maya crashed into the room, spider blood on her swords as she huffed.

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