Chapter 6

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Once the two reached the gates of Teca they were met with Maya and another woman by her side who clung to a book. Her long brown hair swept up most of her face as she nervously stood by the eagle-armored princess next to her who smiled at the sight of the two approaching.

"See Zatz, I told you they'd come along" Maya declared with a small laugh that seemed as if she was claiming a victory of some sort.

"It would seem some words of incouragement helped me understand my options" you replied, glancing over at Zatz before her.

Zatz only revealed a small smirk towards Maya as he guided you into the city with a hand on your back. Maya rolled her eyes before she adjusted her new sword on her belt and took you hand, dragging you away from him as she waved on the nervous girl.

"So while your out I ran a few arrested for the quest. A have the black smith's at work and the are making to beautiful blades, one for you and one for Zatz" Maya smiled.

"But my axe works just fine" you said.

"Well you never know, anyways. I also had packs made a map, food, rope, the normal stuff needed for an adventure and last but not least. I did some research, we'll we did. This here is Isabell, she is a scholar in the royal library. She helped me find this book that details in this small paragraph that the way to turn a man to a god would require a spell. Now it never stated the spell but we looked into it and this book was a gift from the jungle kingdom. I say we go there and find that spell" Maya started.

"Wow, you've been busy. It's nice to met you Isabel" you replied before turning to the nervous girl.

She looked up nimbly with a nod. You reached your hand out to greet her and she delicately shook yours. Her hand were soft compared to your calloused hand, smaller in size as well. She didn't hesitate when she looked up at you to share you smile.

"Thank you so much for your help Isabel, I'm (Y/n)" you thanked her.

"It was no problem" she muttered as she glanced back down, grasping the book she held.

"Anyways, once we pick up our blades and packs we can head out" Maya spoke confidently.

"But we don't have to go just yet" Zatz reassured.

"Yeah, maybe we should stay for the night. We should be properly rested and be sure to be properly packed as well. Just to restore strength" you say.

"Alright then, we can stay with the king" Maya concluded, "get to know your future husband."

  Silverware cranked as the five ate at a round table. You were sat across from the king, Isabel on your right, and Maya on your left. The table only echoed small talk and compliments of the food. You made a point to try and not look at the king too much but you both have locked eye contact every once in a while before gazing away. This was what happened which Zatz, sitting next to Maya, would cringe at ever so slightly before throwing up a smile. Whether he was trying to be reassuring or soften the awkwardness you were unsure.

"So how long do you plan on staying?" the king asked.

The man had a soft voice as if he was almost always trying to approach a frightened child. It would have been soothing if he didn't sound so unsure every time he spoke to you.

"Just for the night so we can be rested" you replied.

"I see, well I suppose that would be wise as the jungle seed to make sleep difficult. With all the creature being loud and random dangers. Best be careful" he seem to reason, not noticing the small hint of relief falling off his lips.

"Yep, it'll be lot of fun. Poisonous animals, maze like trees, and all the risks. Always a good start to any adventure" Maya smiled only making Isabel nervous.

"Well with all this talk of rest and adventures has got me tired, I should head to bed" you stated, pushing your empty plate away and standing up.

"Yeah, I think it's time I retire for the night as well" the king declared.

"Perfect, the guards will lead you to your room" Maya smiled as one stepped up.

You noded as both you and the king awkwardly followed the guard. Silence filled each hall you passed, all servants silenced as they bowed to the passing king who fumbled with the color of his shirt. The quiet never ment the calm as the clomp of foot steps filled the gap. Soon the guard stopped at a door before returning to the dining hall, only one door. You glanced at each other before the king opened the door for you and yo both entured. The room was furnished with a desk, armor stand, large book cases, a couch and one large queen sized bed. The king gently closes the door before turning to you.

"So" you start nervous.

"So, listen, I don't think I can marry you" the king started before flustered trying to reword himself, "Not that there is a problem with you. For fine by all means, radiant even but I just can. My love already belongs to another and I know that may be a disappointment or something along those lines, I really don't know what you were expecting but I just can't imagine myself with someone other then him".

He seemed nervous as he glanced up at you for approval only gaining a sigh of relief from you and you burst out with giggles, making even him chuckle.

"No, it's no problem on my part. I don't even know you!" You replied gaining his relief as well, "but who is he that's got you so loyal and bothered?"

"He may or may not be one of my stable boys" the king admitted.

"Oh? A stable boy?"

"Yes, he's kind, he's so good with the horses, he does this cute little thing when he is impatient but not trying to be rude where he nudges stones under the dirt while digging up others, and he is so hot! The brown hair, the blue eyes, and he is so strong!" He raved.

You laughed and spoke with him through the night every once in a while in a while circling back to the stable guy he liked. It wasn't long before you weren't nervous around him now that the need to not step on his toes was here. This allowed a comfortable rest in the bed while he took the couch.

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