first sight

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Initial 2 chapters have lot of time skip and are short..after third chapters are quit interesting

Ahan's pov:
"So when you are getting married son! " And there they goes again my oh so caring of a neighbour uncle faizan "yeah beta (child) we wants to see you happy and fulfilled" Follows mrs. Faizan "sure aunty, well I have not planned yet both if you have someone do let me know... As i trust you like my own parents" I said..

Well my name is ahan ahmed and im an orphan so i Don't have family.. And was bought up in a orphanage and did MBA with scholarship and have my small business and earn enough to called more than middle class.

Today, im here standing along with the couple faizan in thle wedding of their son suleman. And from last 2years they are suggesting to get me married.

So right now im at stage giving gift to the couple and quickly did some picture as I was descending the stairs when I collided with a shoulder and the person was going to fall as caught him or wait... Her.. Caught her. She was a girl.. A beautiful girl with pair of brown eyes roaming all over my face when suddenly she stood straight and made free herself from me and murmured a small "thank you" And corrected her dress and ascended carefully a stairs by giving a brief look towards me , a small smile crept on my face.

Now im again standing with just observing my surrounding when sofia the younger daughter of uncle faizan came to me and said "Ahan bhai papa(father) is calling you"and went running to somewhere. I smiled on her antiques and moved towards where I spotted uncle and aunt talking to someone or precisely a group of 4 peoples .

I reached there and said " Yes! Uncle faizan" He said"oh here you are.." Meet my old friend mr Hussain and his family"
I greeted them "Assalamualikul" And they all with "walekum assalam" When uncle started introducing them mr hussain and a lady beside him as his wife and a girl beside mrs hussain as aliza i give a nod and one more girl beside her as ahana whose eyes after seeing me went a little wide and smiles sheepishly when i remembered she is a same girl with pair of brown eyes and then uncle introduced me as" He is our neighbour and more like my second son" To whichI smiled and they went on with their talks.

Now im at my home ready to sleep when again that pair of brown eyes flashed in front of me and i whispered her name "Aahana" And a smile spread on my lips and I dozed off

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