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Ibrahim's pov:-

Ibrahim's POV:

As I watched Amad's emotions unfold before my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a mix of sympathy and concern for him. It was evident that seeing the woman he loved, Ahana, getting ready for her big day while he had to stand aside and witness it all was tearing him apart. I knew the pain he was experiencing, the sense of loss and helplessness.

I saw him silently praying, seeking solace in his faith, asking for strength to bear this burden. His heartfelt plea for Ahana's happiness and protection touched me. It was a testament to his selflessness, despite his own anguish.

Amad's attempt to hide his pain was futile, though. Even as we accompanied Ahana to the hall, I noticed a traitor tear almost escaping his eye. He managed to wipe it away in time, but Ahana caught a glimpse of it. She didn't say anything, but her narrowed eyes revealed that she noticed his struggle.

Once the initial rush of the function settled down, Amad's emotions overwhelmed him once again. He couldn't contain his grief any longer and silently slipped away, seeking solace in our safe haven. I knew where he was headed, and I understood why.

The weight of his love for Ahana had become unbearable. The impact of his feelings, coupled with the realization that she could never be his, had shattered him. He was broken, and it hurt me to witness his pain. Tears streamed down his face uncontrollably, and every little thing reminded him of her. I knew how much he hated crying in front of others, but he had given that power only to Ahana.

I watched as he cried, his chest tightening, making it difficult for him to breathe. His anguished cry for Ahana and Allah tore through the air, and he fell to his knees. It was a heart-wrenching sight, and I couldn't bear to see him suffer like this.

Amad questioned Allah, wondering why he was being tested in such a way. He believed that Ahana had brought him closer to Allah, teaching him never to love anything more than his Creator. Yet, he couldn't understand why he was being tested with her presence in his life. His self-doubt crept in, questioning his own worthiness.

That's when I approached him, breaking the silence. I spoke the words he needed to hear, reminding him that he didn't define his worth based on the presence or absence of someone he desired. I reassured him that it wasn't his fault and that sometimes things are just not meant to be.

Amad, still overwhelmed with emotions, tried to convey his feelings without explicitly mentioning love and Ahana together. He was concerned about my reaction, as Ahana's brother, fearing that I might have a problem with his affection for her. I assured him that I didn't have any issue with him, understanding that he never meant any harm.

We found ourselves sitting on small chairs, seeking comfort in each other's presence. Amad questioned his worth once again, and I reminded him that his worth was far greater than he believed. He compared my logical reasoning to Ahana's, acknowledging the truth in my words.

He accepted that it would take time to move on and that he had to focus on himself. I encouraged him not to wallow in darkness and to work on improving himself. I assured him that he would find someone who appreciates him, and eventually, everything would fall into place.

After a moment of silence, I patted his shoulder and urged him to focus on the tasks at hand. We had work to do, and it was essential for Amad to redirect his energy toward productive endeavors. As we got up, he took a deep breath, preparing himself to face the world again.

Before we left, I couldn't resist teasing him playfully. I mentioned that I didn't know Ahana had admirers, but I warned him not to cast any evil eye on her. His response, filled with sadness and sincerity, reassured me of his genuine love and respect for her.

Together, we walked back downstairs, ready to face the challenges ahead, hoping that healing and happiness awaited both of us in the future.


See i posted two chapters just for you..
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Love you all😇..

Shadi aa rhi haiiii!!!!!

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