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Im trying hard!!!

Amad's POV:

How do you feel when you see the biggest dream of your life coming true right in front of your eyes, only to realize that you have been replaced? And what's worse, even after all that, you are not allowed to grieve that loss. Broken? Shattered? Scattered? Not knowing what to do anymore? Yes, absolutely. And everything hit me all at once when I saw her descending the stairs, looking like the absolute epitome of beauty.

My heart shattered, and I don't know how many beats it skipped at once.

"Allah, please, it's too much to bear. I know 'You don't burden a soul more than it can bear.' Please let me make it through the next two nights. Allah, and please don't take any happiness away from Ahana. Keep her away from any evil eye cast on her. She is too precious to deal with any pain." I silently prayed for Ahana.

And then she was there, standing in front of me, asking for approval of her look from me and Ibrahim bhai. So, I teased her a little, and she burst into laughter.

"Oh, Allah, it hurts," I thought, seeing her laugh. And then we started to escort her to the hall, and even after trying so much, a traitor tear was about to leave my eye, but I wiped it in time—or so I thought—because I saw Ahana narrowing her eyes at me, but she let it go.

As the function started, Ibrahim bhai and I left the hall and went out to help Uncle. For a while, I was distracted, helping here and there. But once everything was done, it all hit me again with so much intensity that I couldn't hold back anymore. I escaped from there silently and made a run to "our safe haven," or so I thought.

No, she never gave me any mixed signals. But I fell for her so hard that now, when I realize the impact of the fall, it has completely and utterly broken me. It hurts so bad, as if someone has ripped my heart. Well, it has been ripped.

Tears were now flowing senselessly, and everything reminds me of her. I hate it when anyone sees me crying, and that power I have given only to her, and only her.

More tears poured out of my eyes, and I felt a sudden tightness in my chest. It was getting hard for me to breathe.

"Ahana! Allah!" a heart-wrenching voice left my mouth, and I fell to my knees. "Why, Allah, why? She was the one who brought me closer to you. She taught me never to love anything more than you, and I do love you most, Allah. Then why are you testing me with her, Allah? Was I not good enough? I know I wasn't the best, but I would have become one for her, Allah." I was questioning myself when I heard, "Ahana didn't teach you that you have to become the best for yourself, and you will eventually be good for everyone. Everything will fall into place." I turned around, and it was Ibrahim bhai. A wave of shock passed through me, but I tried to smile and said, "Bhai," and tried to walk past him. But "quit acting," he held my wrist and brought me face to face with him again.

So, I stood there with my head held low. "Tum itne kab bade ho gaye, huh!" (When did you grow up so much, huh?) "Bhai, wo, I didn't mean any harm." And he started to laugh, so I looked towards him, and he said, "You and harm." I was about to lower my head, but I was pulled into a pair of strong arms. He patted my shoulder and said, "I don't know what to say, but it's not your fault. It just wasn't meant to be." I nodded and escaped from his arms, and asked, "You don't have any problem that I... I..."

"No! As you said, you didn't mean any harm. It's okay. It happens." And I broke down again. He patted my shoulder, and we sat down on the small chairs kept there.

I asked, "Bhai, was I not good enough?" "That's not the thing, Amad. Having a person you desire by your side doesn't define your worth. Your worth is more than that, my boy. Don't degrade yourself like that."

"You talk too logically, like her," I whined. He chuckled. "But you are right. I just need to come to peace with this fact, bhai. It has been too long to let go so soon." I tried to convey what it was without using words like love and her together because, whatever it is, he is her brother, and brothers are possessive.

"I know. Take your time and let it heal naturally. Don't force yourself to move on too quickly. But also remember, don't wallow in darkness for too long. Focus on yourself, on becoming the best version of you. And trust me, someone will come along who appreciates you for who you are. It may not be easy, but eventually, everything will fall into place."

I nodded, wiping away my tears. Taking a deep breath, I tried to compose myself. Ibrahim bhai urged me to focus on the tasks at hand, reminding me that we had work to do. We got up from the chairs, and as we walked back downstairs, I felt a glimmer of hope, a flicker of strength to face the challenges ahead.

But before we reached the door, Ibrahim bhai couldn't resist teasing me. "I didn't know Ahana had admirers," he said with a playful smirk. I looked at him with sadness in my eyes and
Again he said playfully  "amad, please don't cast any evil eye on her. She is too precious."

I replied " I could never".

He understood the depth of my feelings and nodded, reassuring me that he meant no harm. Together, we walked back into the hall, ready to face the world again, hoping that healing and happiness awaited us in the future.

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