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Ahana's pov:-
As i saw ahan holding the duppata of a dress and gesturing me to come there. So I moved towards him. And stood a few inches beside him and asked what happend through my brows.

"Actually, i want you... Um.. You to select your walima dress with me if.. You know if you don't mind" He said as he scratched his nack and a smile crossed my lips.

"Its ok, im glad you thought so" I replied softly and tried to wash away his nervousness. And it worked as his posture relaxed instantly and a beautiful smile adorned his face.

" Ok then, lets so" And he headed more ahead in the shop.

As we were going through dresses i saw him staring at a particular dress every once in a while so stopped and said
" Ahan, " Which bought his attention to me and then i continued " You like that dress" And pointed towards the dress , and he said " Yes, but its ok you can take any other dress of your choice. You don't need to go according to me, its your wedding you choose. " He agreed but starting blabbering..

Gosh! My fiance can be a blabbering mess.

" No issues, its a pretty dress and i like it too and you don't have to be nervous. And.. And its not only mine but our wedding. And im getting ready for whom... For you. So come lets try this "i said emphasizing on our wedding and we moved towards the dress but this time i was ahead and he was following closely behind.

Bold much, i see mocked my conscience..

Well i was surprised too but this has to be done as we just can't be this awkward around..

We reached the dress and indeed it was a very beautiful and modest dress must say my husband has a good choice.

Imagine full sleeves and this same as gown

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Imagine full sleeves and this same as gown..

I turned to him to confirm and he nodded so i called the staff and gave me the dress and i moved to the trial room for change.

After changing i came out and found him just outside the room and suddenly i started feeling shy so while casting my eyes down I came out and cleared my voice to get his attention and which i got easily. He suddenly turned towards me and was just staring on not getting any reaction after a few seconds i looked up and saw him staring and red started to  crept on my cheeks as our eyes met

"Mashallah" As a whisper came out of his lips and suddenly i lowered my eyes and started to tuck the hairs behind my ears when another hand came which did that before me. And after that he slowly took my hand which was still in the air and took towards his lips and kissed my knuckles and a shiver ran down my spine and my cheeks start to burn..

"Beautiful" He said. And then he cleared his throat and moved few steps backward and gestured me to the changing room and i quickt jumped inside and closed the door behind and rested on it and i heard a throaty laugh outside and a smile crept over my face..

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