1 | Battle For The Sceptre

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Gunshots filled my ears as we drove over the snow. Clint stood up and shot arrows at agents who approached, and Natasha drove the jeep like she had nothing to live for. A Hydra agent got to Natasha's side of the jeep, and she kicked the door open before kicking the agent away. Tony flew by and a Hydra jeep with a big and dangerous-looking gun drove up next to us. I concentrated for half a second and the car fell upwards, it's gravitational pull being towards the sky.

More cars arrived and Natasha shot bullets at some while Clint shot arrows at the others. One of the cars got to our back and they readied up a gun. I held my hands outwards and a blue forcefield appeared in front of the car. The vehicle crashed into my energy shield and the hood of the car crumpled.

Natasha turned a corner and I saw Hulk throwing some agents around. We drove towards a barricade.

"Ready to jump?" Nat asked.

"Heck yeah!" I yelled.

Natasha swerved to the side and the car hit the barricade, but we were already jumping. If there was a camera to our right, it would have made a perfect movie shot.

I started shooting at agents who were shooting at me. I changed three of their gravitational pulls to the left and they fell that way, screaming as their world was turned to the side.

"When will they stop falling?" Clint called, shooting at some more agents.

"When they're out of my range!" I called back, kicking an agent in the face. "That'll be about two and a half kilometres."

Clint scoffed and I grinned as I continued to fight the agents.

"Shit!" Tony said through the comms.

"Language!" Steve replied. I could distantly hear his motorbike. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield," Jarvis said. "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

"Loki's sceptre must be here," Thor said. "Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it. At long last."

"'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys," Nat said as she knocked out three guards.

I kicked an agent and four more shot at me.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise," I said, creating a forcefield. "Just maybe."

"Wait a second," Tony said. "No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language?'"

I snickered as I knocked out a few more agents.

"I know," Steve said. "It just slipped out."

"Ha. That's what he said."

The team groaned at my joke while Nat chuckled.

"Y/n, who are you with?" Tony asked through the comms.

I winced as I realised there were no Avengers in sight.

"Um... well, I'm sure Clint is here with me in spirit-"

"What did we say about you staying with one of us on missions?" Steve asked.

I groaned.

"Wow, okay mom. I'll go find Clint," I grumbled.

I teleported away from my place and next to Clint. He jumped and swiped at me with his bow, but I dodged.

"Jeez, Y/n!" he yelled. "I could have killed you!"

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he shook his head. We jogged to a cover of trees. Clint hid behind a tree, and I hid with him. He pushed me away and out into the open.

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