8 | Vision

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Pietro did not like the freefall. Whenever I had to teleport really long distances, I usually had to split the journey up and take a rest for a few seconds. That meant free falling through the sky. I found it fun. The others did not.

We arrived at the tower and quickly ran to the labs.

"I'm gonna say this once," Steve said as we arrived.

"How about none-ce?" Tony retorted.

"Shut it down!" Steve demanded.

"Nope, not gonna happen," Tony said, walking away as if nothing was happening.

I sighed. This was going to turn into another fight.

"You don't know what you're doing," Steve said.

I shrugged.

"He might," I said.

Pietro grabbed my arm softly.

"Whose side are you on?" he whispered.

I just shrugged and turned my attention back to the bickering adults. I wished I had some popcorn.

"And you do?" Bruce asked Steve. "She's not in your head?"

He pointed aggressively to Wanda who paled slightly.

"I know you're angry-" Wanda started, but Bruce cut her off.

"Oh, we're way past that," Bruce said. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

I blinked in surprise. Bruce was never a violent person. I wondered what Wanda had shown him. Or perhaps it was the fact that she'd made sure the world had seen the Hulk like that...

"Banner, after everything that's happened-"

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony yelled, interrupting Steve.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda yelled.

"This isn't a game-"

Pietro cut everyone off by running around the lab, unplugging things and making papers fly everywhere. He stopped running and dropped the last tube. The machine powered down and a beeping started.

"No, no, go on," he said. "You were saying?"

There was a gunshot and suddenly Pietro was falling through the glass floor. His sister called his name loudly and I peered over to see Clint standing on him.

"I'm rerouting the upload," Tony said.

Steve threw his shield and it bounced off of multiple computer screens. Tony grabbed his iron hand and blasted Steve in the chest.

I really wished I had popcorn.

Wanda powered up her magic, but Bruce grabbed her.

"Go on, piss me off," he growled.

"Bruce, is that a good idea-"

I was cut off as Steve's shield smacked me in the face.

"OW!" I yelled, going down. "Steve, you old fart, I'm on your side!"

The fighting continued, and I got bored of it. I honestly didn't really have an opinion on what was going on. Sure, Tony and Bruce may have created Ultron, but based on what I had seen on the computers before they were smashed, they were trying to upload Jarvis. And I trusted Jarvis.

Suddenly, Thor entered the room, jumped on the cradle, and called upon his lightning. I watched in awe as he pointed his hammer at the cradle, channelling his power into it. After a few seconds he stopped and looked at the cradle.

Drawn To You | Pietro Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now