A/N Part 2

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Hi guys!

So, a lot of you guys want me to carry this on into civil war/infinity war/endgame etc, but honestly I don't think I really want to. This story is a bit eh in my opinion, especially because I hate how much dialogue I used and that Pietro and Y/n got together after a week of knowing each other...

Sooo I'm going to write a separate story. It's going to follow all of the movies as well as little bits in between just so that I can focus on the relationships and things. I think it'll be better than continuing with this, because that way I can add subplots as well as the movie plots.

So I'll be writing another one, I'll keep this one up and give the other one a different name, but the Age of Ultron part of the story will be similar (obviously, it has the same storyline). There will be some key differences, and I hope that you'll all like it!

So, because of this, I'll need you guys to vote on some things because when I don't know what I want I like you guys to have an opinion!

Basic things that are different: Y/n will have the same abilities as Captain Marvel because main character energy (plus some other fun surprises). Pietro is obviously the love interest. Not sure who the parental figure(s) will be, but they adopt Y/n after rescuing her from Hydra.

So, first vote (just comment ONCE on the option you like best): Who should Y/n's (adopted) parental figure be?

1) Natasha Romanoff (again, i love writing her as a mother so much but i don't want to be repetitive but such mother energy - do u see my problem??)

2) Tony Stark (honestly he has lots of trauma and i think i could explore them working through it together)

3) Steve Rogers (hydra is the plot fr)

4) Other (please specify)

Second vote: should Y/n be team cap or team iron man?

1) Team capsicle

2) Team tin can

3) Team Natasha

Third vote (just comment ONCE on the option you like best): Do I follow Infinity War/Endgame properly (people die), or do I use the power of fanfiction and make everything happy?

1) Let them live they've been through so much </3


3) surprise me!

Should I go into phase 4? (if i end up making everyone live happily i'll come up with something for MoM don't worry)

1) Yes

2) No

Thank you for voting, and I'm sorry if I let you down for this story :( but I hope you enjoy the new one!! :))

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