A/N Part 3

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The new story is in the works! I have planned for Age of Ultron and some of the in between of AOU and Civil War, and I've started writing for the AOU part!

So there's obviously going to be Age of Ultron, Civil War, Infinity War, and (maybe) Endgame spoilers. Other spoilers will include: literally every movie probably. I know I'll be writing in Black Widow and Multiverse of Madness so just catch up to that :). I haven't seen Quantomania yet, so no spoilers for that lol. 

I did ask you guys for your opinions on how the story should go (i.e. who Y/n's parent/s should be, if it should go into phase 4, etc) and it was nice to know what you guys wanted and I took most of it into consideration but ultimately... this is my story. I can do whatever the heck I want. I hope you guys still enjoy lol :)

But yeah, hopefully I'll be able to upload the teaser chapters in a few weeks! I'll post the first 2-3 chapters depending on how many chapters I have written out! 

Also, if you've read Percy Jackson you'll know what I mean by this fic having fun and unique chapter titles. :)

Anyways here's a fun little teaser-blurb:

"We're not Hydra."

Ultron cocked his head at me, an evil grin spreading across his face, as he said lowly, "Aren't you?"

Hydra had always had its claws in Y/n, but she never saw it that way. When she is rescued by Captain America, she thinks that her life has changed for good. She evolves into an Avenger and goes on journeys full of battle, power, and love... but can that love overcome the roots of her life at Hydra?

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