6 | The Farm

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I sat on the floor of the jet with my arms wrapped around my legs. I felt the jet rumbling under me as we flew over the Earth.

The words I heard in my vision haunted me.

We're not family. Not really. You're just a burden we have to deal with.

I glanced to where Natasha was sitting on the jet. Her eyes were open, but she was staring at nothing. What had Wanda shown her? Natasha wasn't scared of anything... except maybe her past.

You're an annoyance.

I glanced at Steve. He had a sad look about him. What was he shown? Something about the war, maybe? Or his best friend, Bucky?

You ruin everything, you make everything less fun.

Thor had his arms crossed and he seemed to be deep in thought. Was he shown something about his brother, Loki, perhaps? Or his mother? I knew that both had passed recently.

You are just a waste of space. Not worth our time.

Clint was piloting the jet. He and Tony were the only two who hadn't been shown anything.

You can't even control your powers. One of your many flaws.

They all knew that it was hard to control the energy blasts. That's why I rarely used them.

Family? We don't care about you. You're just a problem that we have to deal with until we can kick you out.

They didn't really think all of that, did they? Wanda was supposed to show me my worst fears... but what if those fears were true?

Eventually the flight ended, and we touched down at Clint's farm. We all walked in a single file to the front door, me second in line behind Clint and Natasha.

"What is this place?" Thor asked.

"Safe house?" Tony guessed.

"Let's hope so," Clint said over his shoulder.

I followed them into Clint's house.

"Honey?" Clint called. "I'm home!"

There was silence for a moment until a heavily pregnant Laura Barton walked around the corner.

"Hi. Company," Clint said. "Sorry I didn't call ahead."

Laura kissed her husband in greeting and then hugged him close.

"This is an agent of some kind," Tony said suddenly.

I walked over to Natasha and grabbed her hand. She looked to me and squeezed once.

"Gentlemen, this is Laura," Clint said.

"I know all your names," Laura said.

Tony gave her a small wave and footsteps thudded through the house.

"Oh. Incoming," Clint said.

His daughter, Lila, and son, Cooper, rushed into the room. Clint happily greeted them, picking up his daughter and hugging his son close. The others beside Natasha looked on in surprise.

"These are... smaller agents," Tony said.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat and Y/n?" Lila asked.

"Why don't you hug 'em and find out?" Natasha asked, walking towards Lila.

She picked her up and Cooper ran over to give me a hug.

"Sorry for barging in on you," Steve said, ever the gentleman.

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