10 | The Second Wave

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"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin," Steve said. "You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you."

I nodded.

"What about the core?" Clint asked.

I was about to volunteer when Wanda spoke.

"I'll protect it," she said. Clint looked at her with slight worry. "It's my job."

Clint nodded at her and jogged off. Steve and Natasha left as well, leaving Pietro, Wanda, and I in the church.

"Get the people on the boats," Wanda said.

"I'm not going to leave you here," Pietro said.

"I can handle this," she said, blasting a robot. "Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before."

Pietro huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Do you understand?" Wanda asked.

Pietro grinned and shook his head.

"You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you," he said.

Wanda chuckled.

"Go," she said.

Pietro grinned and looked to me.

"Ready to go, Printsessa?" he asked.

I grinned and nodded, and he picked me up before running to one of the boats. A car arrived just as we did with Clint and Natasha.

"Put my daughter down," Natasha said.

Pietro grinned and placed me on my feet before zooming off. Natasha raised an eyebrow at me and cocked her head.

"Do you like him?" she asked.

I grinned at her.

"I'll admit I like him if you admit you're in love with Steve," I said.

Natasha chuckled and shoved me softly. I smiled at her and gave her a big hug. The Hulk roared behind us and Natasha looked back at the sound, slight worry written on her features.

"Get your ass on a boat, hon," she said. "I'll be there in a minute."

I hugged her one last time before jogging over to one of the lifeboats and taking a seat beside Clint. I noticed a woman calling out for someone.

"Costel?" she cried. "We were in the market. Costel?!"

I looked over to see a little boy stuck in a hole behind some railing. I took a step forward and Clint stopped me.

"I'll go get him," he said. "Your mom would kill me if I let you off this boat."

I smiled at him and sat back down. I watched as he jogged over to the little boy and helped him out of the hole. The boy clung to Clint, and he held the boy tightly. I heard gunfire and screams. I looked up to the source of the noise to see a rouge ship heading straight for Clint. Clint braced for impact and turned around, so his body was protecting the boy. A blue blur ran towards them, but I wasn't going to have any chances.

I created a forcefield around Clint and Pietro, and the bullets bounced off of them. I ran out onto the floating rock and powered up a blast before letting it fly at the jet. It hit the jet and the craft exploded in a blast of blue flames and metal. I whooped loudly.

"Wow! Did you see that?!" I yelled excitedly, jogging over to them.

Pietro grinned at me. The next second he was directly in front of me and leaning down to kiss me. I met his lips eagerly and kissed him back, his lips moving against mine and my arms curling around his neck. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"I feel drawn to you, Printsessa," he said.

"I swear haven't changed your gravitational pull," I said, grinning.

Pietro chuckled and kissed me again. My hands found their way to his hair-

"Oi! Stop kissing!" Clint yelled. "We're on a floating rock right now, and you two need to get back on the boat!"

Pietro and I grinned at him before linking hands and jogging to the lifeboat. Clint was close behind us with the kid, and he handed the child over to his mother as soon as they got on the boat. Pietro and I stood near the edge, waiting for everyone else.

"I think that's everybody," Pietro murmured.

Before anyone could do anything, there was a loud sound of powering down. Steve jumped onto the boat and the city began to fall.

"Wanda!" Pietro yelled.

A figure flew down past us and I recognised it as Vision. But the city was still falling too fast...

"Y/n, no-" Steve began, but I was already moving.

I jumped off of the lifeboat and began to fall down to the city. I concentrated as hard as I could to stop it from falling. It began to slow, and I made sure my gravity was light so that when I landed, I didn't break my bones.

"Wow, the city's falling a lot slower now," Tony said through the comms. "What just happened?"

"You're welcome," I grunted.

Several people called my name through the comms, and I grunted.

"I'll be fine," I puffed. "Just... hurry up, please."

"Y/n, you need to get off the island," Thor said. "The impact will kill a mortal."

"I have my forcefields," I said, letting one fall into place around me like a hamster-ball. "Go."

There was silence before I heard Tony sigh.

"Thor, on my mark," he said.

"Wanda?" I asked.

"I have her," Vision replied.

I looked over to see lightning streaming through the air.


There was a loud explosion, and a blue wave of destruction flew through the city, destroying everything in its path. I held my breath and used all of my power on the forcefield. I still felt the impact as I tumbled through the air and began to fall.

My forcefield flickered out as I fell through the air. I couldn't find the strength to teleport away.

I was falling...

I wasn't scared, not really.



And then I landed in a pair of metal arms.

"Miss me, kiddo?" Tony asked and he flew through the debris.

I used the last of my strength to create a forcefield around us, so we didn't get hit by any falling buildings.

"Nope," I replied tiredly. "I miss my bed, though."

Tony chuckled as we flew out of the rain of wreckage,

"Let's get you home, then."

Question of the chapter: What's your favourite Marvel TV Show?

Answer of the chapter: My favourite is WandaVision. I do love all of them sm but WandaVision just has the vibe that I love, yk?

What's your answer?

(also this isn't the last chapter)

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