2 | Regroup

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The jet rumbled softly underneath me. I watched as various items floated in the air, courtesy of my gravity manipulation powers. I watched from the corner of my eye as Natasha walked over to Bruce. She gave Steve a small smile that I absolutely did not miss.

Shipping your parents might be a weird thing to do for some people, but not me. Technically only Natasha was legally my parent, but the entire team as well as Maria Hill acted like my parents. And, yeah, maybe I did ship Steve and Natasha, but they had tons of chemistry. I had a photo of them kissing from when they had to go undercover, and I printed it out and gave it to Natasha once.

She did not find it as funny as I did.

"Thor, report on the Hulk?" Natasha asked.

"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims!" Thor said triumphantly.

Natasha turned around and glared at him while Bruce groaned in despair and held his head in his hands.

"Uh, but not the screams of the dead, of course," Thor said quickly. "No, no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and... and uh... and gout."

"Nice save," I muttered.

I walked over and rubbed Bruce's shoulder comfortingly.

"Hey Banner," Tony said from the pilot seat, "Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"

"Uh, yeah," Bruce said. "She knows her way around."

I walked over to where the sceptre was and Tony, Thor, and Steve joined me.

"It feels good, yeah?" Tony said. "I mean, you've been after this thing since Shield collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but..."

"No, but this... this brings it to a close," Thor said.

I rolled my eyes. I'd come over here to admire the pretty sceptre, but now they were talking all business.

"As soon as we find out what else this has been used for," Steve said. "I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?"

"Since now, obviously," I muttered.

Steve nudged me softly and I grinned.

"Banner and I'll give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?" Tony said to Thor. Thor nodded his head once. "I mean, just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying right?"

I narrowed my eyes at Tony. After two years of living with him, I was able to spot when he was up to something. He wanted something from the sceptre.

"Yes, yes, of course," Thor said, completely oblivious to my train of thought. "A victory should be honoured with revels."

"Yeah," Tony said. "Who doesn't love revels. Captain?"

"Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and Hydra," Steve said. "So... yes. Revels."

The rest of the jet ride was boring. I still felt kind of bad for letting Clint get shot, but Natasha assured me that it was fine, and that Clint was bound to get shot with or without me there.

As soon as the jet landed, Clint was wheeled out with Natasha following close behind. I stayed in the jet with Steve and Tony as Thor carried out the sceptre. Maria walked in and gave me a small smile before addressing Tony.

"Lab's all set up, boss," she said.

"Uh, actually, he's the boss," Tony said, pointing at Steve. "I just pay for everything, and design everything, and make everyone look cooler."

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