Chapter 16-City?

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A/N: I UPDATED LOVELYS!!!!!! Here is the third new character! And anyone get a couple cases of déjà vu? ;)

-City's P.O.V-

I sighed as I walked through the deserted hallway, everyone was already in last period. It was my first day and of course, I ended up getting here uber late.

I walked into my last period, which was math. I saw an open seat next to a brunette girl and I sat there.

When we got time to work on our homework she turned to me and smiled, holding out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Valkyrie Pendery, and you are?"

I smiled and shook her hand.


Valkyrie smiled and was going to say something until a tall blonde walked over and slammed her hands on Valkyrie's desk.


Valkyrie sighed and turned to the blonde.

"Yes Payne?"

She growled at Valkyrie.

"Stay away from Bruce, Pendery. You mean nothing to him. You're just some slutty bitch he's using to distract himself before he comes to me. You're not his type. Some prissy, stuck up, little snotty good girl can never be enough for him. He'll get bored with you. And when he does, he'll just throw you to the side like the little toy you are and come to me. So its just best if you fuck off bitch."

Valkyrie looked extremely pissed as the blonde smirked at her, the class now silent.

"Listen here Payne. Why don't you fuck off because, I'm sorry, but you overestimate your importance in mine, and everyone else's lives. Cause guess what love, I'm not the toy, you are. Everyone thinks ya are. Bruce hates you, he actually cares about me. So what if I'm not his fucking type? You're not either. Some stupid bitch who'll open her legs for anything that moves if let's them be your toy? Yeah, not his type. So fuck off honey. Cause you mean nothing to me. You may be the living Queen of Bitchiness. But I'm the Fucking Queen of Hell darling."

I had to stifle my laughs as her eyes widened and she paled before rushing out of the room. I high fived Valkyrie, knowing I found an awesome friend.

-Lucy's P.O.V-

I heard the phone ring and thought it would either be the school or one of the girls, but I was sooo wrong.


I heard a voice I had heard just a few weeks ago in my hospital bed.

"Shouldn't you know it's me little sis?"

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