Chapter 19-Three Years Later; Part 1

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-Three years later/Lucy's P.O.V-

I groggily woke up to a little hand trying to pull itself up onto my bed by using my arm as an anchor.

I opened my eyes to see my three year old angel, Valentina pouting cutely. She squeals when she sees me awak and makes grabby hands.

I smile softly and lift her up so she's sitting in my lap.

"Morning baby."

Valentina just coos and cuddles into me.


I giggle and stand, quickly getting her and I dressed.

I walked downstairs, ignoring the looks from some of the members of Codys gang, I'm nearly certain all of them hated me, they had to tolerate Valentina and I though for Codys sick plan.

"Hey sexy."

I internally groaned, turning around to look up at Robbie Kay.

"Yes Kay?"

He smirks.

"How's my future wife."

I jsut rolled my eyes, going and getting something for Valentina to eat, making sure her heart pendent is hidden. Cody stole mine, causing my heart to shatter. I missed them all so much.

I bounced her lightly, wiping a few stray tears as I get her cereal. Cody had forced me to join his gang, which caused Valentina to be in even more danger.

Shaking off my thoughts, I set her in the high chair, feeding her as I sing softly.

Cody walks down stairs, seeing me and Valentina and he smiles maliciously at me, he knew that the fact they hadnt found the two of us yet broke me. I ignored him and continued feeding Valentina.

-A few hours later/Still Lucy's P.O.V-

I jumped as I felt Valentina tug on my jeans.

"What's wrong baby?"

I pick her up, stroking her dark curly hair.

"What's a daddy?"

I look at her heartbroken, her having not been able to be loved and adored by her daddy, Dana, since we were kidnapped.

"A daddy is a guy version of mommy."

She nods.

"Mommy, in my dweam last night I had a daddy! And a bwother! They were welly tall. Are they real?"

I shake a little and decide to change the subject.

"Hey sweetie, wanna go get some ice cream?"

Valentina looks confused at the change in subjects but nods excitedly.

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