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Another surprise 💜💜💜

Before the Jeon's could register anything they are all surrounded by men with guns but thankfully tae has enter the dressing room before that .

Jungkook eyes were stone cold as he glare at the man who was smirking at him evilly .

He take a glance at his twins who give him reassure look that says they'll be fine .

"What do you want from me Kang ?"..he spoke coldly glaring at him who just chuckled sarcastically .

"Tsk still arrogant Jeon , nothing much just want to have 50 shares from your underworld works , you know I'm a greedy man but i won't request for all "...kang said casually making Jungkook laugh loudly more than loudly .

He really find the man Infront of him funny so he laughs to his content .

"And what makes you think you'll get that from me ? get the hell outta of here with your dogs while you can still ".. Jungkook said nonchalantly but it was Kang turn to laugh now making the twins look at him disgustingly but still at alert knowing this man is definitely up to something .

"You three can't possibly defeat all the men here and I know personally you won't want to get this boys hurt since they are your real sons , so here is the paper just get your beautiful wife or should I say husband signature on it and we are done !"..Kang said smiling as he claps his hand together .

Jungkook eyes darken at the mention of Taehyung he look towards the twins who understands the look Jungkook was giving them .

So soobin take multiple steps back before turning around and run towards the dressing him he has directed Tae into earlier only to find it empty .

No wonder this man's was talking with them so proudly , he got Taehyung already with him .

The moment Jungkook got red sign from soobin on his monitor watch he shoot the other gang boss in the chest almost instantly without thinking twice.

He did see how the man smug face was mopped into shock after the bullet penetrate through his body .

Kangs men back down instantly when their boss body hits ground with a thud sound .

"This isn't some mafia cringey story where we sits and have a chit chat , to hell with you and tell Mr devil I'm coming for his thrown now or later ".. Jungkook said with a smirk before shooting the man countless times until his gun was empty .

He turn towards yeonjun who has tears rolling down his cheeks so Jungkook work closer to him .

"Don't cry bun your taetae is currently in danger and need our help , so won't you save him ?"...those words are enough for yeonjun to wipe his years harshly nodding at his father who who smile at him patting his shoulder slightly but stop when he received a notification from soobin who inform him he was already on Taehyung's track as they have a tracker implants on the male wrist .

"Let's go bun , soobin is out there with our men ".. Jungkook said as they run out of the big mall ignoring people who are laying down on the floor scaredly .

Tae was sitting in the middle of some men who has drag him harshly out of the dressing him earlier and cover his mouth to stop him from screaming for Jungkook and his sons.

They have been driving for almost Ten minutes now and Tae is starting to get scared for the first time .

He is afraid maybe the twins and their father will notice his absent now or are they still busy fighting in the mall .

But shriek loudly when the car infront of them suddenly catch fire making the driver press break suddenly as the men start looking at each other scaredly and nervously but they all sense trouble when the car also behind them was on fire with just the blink of eye .

And like that all the five cars which consists of their gang member was set on fire by some unknown people .

Only the car which Tae was inside is left untouched so they probably understand the message the person was trying to pass to them .

So they are stuck in the middle of empty road where cars are burning both infront of them and behind .

The men in the car are already trembling as their hold on Tae was loosing .

Taehyung wasn't nerve to the point not to understand Jungkook was definitely close .

And the man who was sitting besides him was shot out of nowhere , the bullet penetrate through the car windshield and hit the man on the chest making Tae close his eyes at the sight of suddenly blood .

"We have to find way out of here , we can't sit back and watch the Jeon's kill us one after the other " of men said and others nods agreeing with him as they all keep looking around nervously knowing they might get hit by bullet at any fucking time .

So they push the car door open and drag a crying Taehyung down with them harshly , one of them hold his gun pointed against Tae forehead as they see they were already surrounded by Jeon's men .

But there was no Jeon and the twins in sight .

"Drop all your weapon or I'm going to shoot him !" of the rival gang rowr but he was mentally trembling because the absent of the Jeon's mean no good .

The guards look hesitant but when they see Taehyung pained face they drop their weapon because the number one rule of their gang is no matter what , Taehyung must always come out unharmed .

The five men mentally cheers when the guards drop their weapons at least they can escape before Jeon's arrival .

"Now all of you turn around"...he said but was stopped by a deeper voice .

"Now now now you are over doing it kid , why are you misusing the opportunity that was given unto you? And is that gun you are holding against my husband neck ?"... Jungkook exclaim loudly and a gunshot came from no where hitting the man who was pointing gun at tae's head directly as he fall back limply but Tae was still standing still trembling .

"Come here my love "... Jungkook call softly but Tae look back at the remaining four men who still have their point at him .

"Don't worry love trust you buns , just walk here darling ",.. Jungkook spoke softly and Tae nods his head taking a step forward before he heard a gunshot again and when he look back the four men are now remaining three .

"That's what will happen if they try to shoot at you so keep walking my love ".. Jungkook said still smiling at tae who nods but hear another gunshot after taking three steps but didn't bother looking back again .

The moment he throw himself against Jungkook another two gunshots was heard and he already guess the men are all dead .

"You are safe my love , your buns guide you through .you are alright darling "...he heard Jungkook soft voice as he passed out .

Well I tried okay ?🥴🙄


Sorry for mistakes

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