3. The best advice

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-       Mrs. Garrett, your pizza is the best pizza in the world! – Said Jesse, as she took her last bite of the pizza slice.

-       Thank you, Jesse. – Mom answered, smiling, as she handed her another slice.

Paige and I stared at Jesse, she shrugged and grabbed the other slice. It was probably her fifth. We laughed, and so did mom.

-       So… – Paige said, as she took a sip of soda. – Long time no see, huh?

-       Definitely! – Mom exclaimed. – I wanted her to call you, girls.

-       Yes. – I nodded. – She had the idea. I was afraid to call you, I didn’t know if you were busy or…

-       Don’t mention it! – Paige said, as she did a gesture.

-       Yes, we are happy to be here! – Jesse exclaimed, with her mouth full of pizza.

-       Jesse, where are your manners? – Paige joked, as she handed her a napkin.

Jesse pouted and grabbed the napkin. I laughed. I really missed these girls. For a long time, we talked, laughed and ate pizza. We agreed they’d spend the night at my house. When the pizza was over, we headed over to the pantry and grabbed some snacks: pop corn, marshmallows, chocolate, candy, and more.

-       Wow, you girls eat a lot! – Josh exclaimed.

The three of us looked at each other and laughed.

-       We probably won’t finish all of this. – I said, winking at Josh.

-       Oh, with Jesse? I’m pretty sure we’ll finish this and more! – Paige exclaimed.

-       Oh, shut up! – Jesse said, as she jokingly slapped Paige’s arm.

Josh was still playing FIFA on his XBOX.

-       Josh, when you finish playing tell me, okay? – I said.

-       Why? – He asked.

-       Because, we are going to watch a movie. – I answered.

-       I don’t plan on finishing soon. – He said, in a defiant way.

Jesse, Paige and I looked at each other.

-       Whatever.

We said in unison, and ran upstairs to my room. We sat on the floor and started playing domino, eating chips and listening to music.

-       I’m tired of playing. – Paige sighed, as she sat on my bed. – Do you guys want to talk?

-       Sure! – Jesse nodded.

-       Why not. – I agreed.

-       Chloe. – Paige started. – We want to know… have you talked to Mario after…?

I swallowed hard and nodded.

-       I have. – I whispered.

-       Oh! So? – She asked. – Has he invited you to…?

-       He has. – I lowered my head. – But I declined his offer.

-       What?

They exclaimed in unison.

-       How? – Jesse asked, as she shoved chips in her mouth. – You and him were inseparable!

I sighed.

-       I couldn’t leave my family here! – I explained, and grabbed some marshmallows.

-       Someday you’ll have to, Chloe. – Paige said, as she got up from the bed and sat next to me on the floor. – You’re 21. You can’t live with your parents forever.

-       I know, but I’m not ready to live with him yet. – I muttered.

Jesse put her arm over my shoulders.

-       You’ll never know. Going to Germany and Ibiza with him was the first step! – Paige exclaimed.

-       I-I just didn’t feel like doing it. – I shrugged. – I don’t know. Don’t make me feel guilty.

Jesse made eye contact with Paige, and they both nodded.

-       We’re here to support you. – Jesse said, comforting me.

-       Yes, Chlo. Don’t feel bad. – Paige added, hugging me. – But you love him so much I thought…

-       I know, I know. – I interrupted. – But, I just didn’t feel it was the right moment.

-       When is it going to be the right moment, Chloe? – Paige exclaimed. – You can’t sit here and wait for “the right moment”. You decide when’s “the right moment”, because it doesn’t come alone!

I lowered my head. Paige was right. I didn’t know what to say.

-       W-what should I do? – I asked, stuttering.

-       Follow your heart. – Jesse suggested. – As cheesy as it may sound, your heart knows.

Paige nodded.

-       If your heart says: “go with Mario”, do it. – Paige explained.

-       If your heart says: “stay here”… do it. – Jesse added.

I nodded and thanked them both for their advice.

Were they right? Should I follow my heart?

The Hardest Choice [Mario Götze]Where stories live. Discover now