4. Decisions, decisions...

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-       Are you sure you don’t want to come? – He asked.


I nodded.


-       It’s for the best. – I said as I lowered my head.

-       Well, I don’t know. – He shrugged. – But it’s your choice.


I didn’t want him to notice my eyes were full of tears.


-       Just know I love you. You gave me the best summer of my life. You made me the happiest girl in just a month. – I said.


He grabbed my face and kissed my lips. I hugged him tightly, and we parted. He started to walk away and wave goodbye. I waved back at him.

*** RING, RING ***

-       This alarm… – I groaned.

I turned it off, I stretched, I yawned and I incorporated myself in bed. I reached for my phone and opened Instagram. On the feed, a picture of Mario, where a huge and delicious breakfast appeared, with the caption: “I woke up like this *thumbs up Emoji* *wink Emoji*”. I smiled and sighed, and immediately double tapped it, but the picture made my stomach sound, so I got off bed and ran to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl, I picked my favorite cereal: Lucky Charms, I got the milk from the refrigerator and made myself a wonderful bowl of cereal. It sure wasn’t the buffet Mario was having, but it was fine for me. Also, I was so hungry I could eat a horse. As I started eating, I received a text message, from Mario.

“Good morning beautiful, I hope you slept well. Miss you always. Love you.”

I texted him back immediately.

“I miss you and love you more”.

I locked my cellphone and kept on eating my cereal, when I heard footsteps coming downstairs.

-       Good morning, Chloe!

I immediately recognized dad’s voice.

-       Good morning, dad. How’d you sleep? – I asked, as he approached me and kissed my forehead.

-       Pretty good, actually. – He said, as he grabbed a bowl. – You made me crave some cereal too. – He winked.

-       Exquisite plate! – I said, and we both laughed.

As we finished breakfast, I received another text, this time from Paige.

“Good morning, sleepy-head! I hope you’re awake. Come over to my house, we have to talk.”

I raised my eyebrow.

-       Who was it? – Dad asked, as he sipped on his juice.

-       Paige. – I said, taking my plate to the sink.

-       Is anything wrong?

-       I don’t think so, no. – I explained. – But she wants me to go to her house.

-       Well… – he said as he got up. – It’s okay, sweetie, I can wash the dishes.

I smiled.

-       It’s not necessary, I don’t think she needs me to go right now! – I said.

-       No, it’s okay. I’ll wash the dishes. You go rest if you want or go to Paige’s house right now if you want. – He said, and smiled.

-       Thanks dad. – I said, and hugged him.

He hugged me back and kissed my forehead again.

-       Have fun! – He added.

I smiled to him and rushed upstairs. I did my everyday routine: teeth, shower, dress up. When I was ready, I walked downstairs, went outside and got in the car. I drove to Paige’s house quickly. She was waiting outside.

-       How’d you know I was coming? – I asked, surprised.

-       Intuition. – She said, and smiled.

-       Okay. – I got off the car and approached her.

-       Did you sleep well? – She asked, as she hugged me.

-       Yeah… – I said. But then I remembered the dream I was having and changed my mind. – Well, kind of. – I shrugged.

She raised her eyebrow.

-       How come? – She asked.

-       I don’t want to talk about it. – I muttered. – L-let’s just go inside.

She sighed.

-       All right.

We walked inside and went to her room. She offered me coffee, which I didn’t want, but she convinced me and I ended up accepting the cup of coffee. We sat down on a small table and started to drink our coffee.

-       What did you want to tell me, Paige? – I asked, as I tried to cool off my coffee with the stirrer.

-       I wanted to… show you something. – She said, and let out a playful smile.

-       W-what’s going on? – I asked, and smirked.

-       Just wait here. – She said, as she got up and rushed to her room.

I waited, sitting down, staring at the ceiling, when she arrived with her laptop.

-       There. – She said as she sat down. – I was looking for plane tickets.

-       Plane tickets? Where are you going? – I curiously asked?

She giggled.

-       Me? You mean, you? – She said.

-       Me? – I exclaimed.

-       I found plane tickets to Ibiza! – She yelled, excitedly.

-       Shh! – I looked around. – I can’t go. – I whispered.

-       Why not? – She asked.

-       I haven’t figured anything out, Paige. – I responded. – I’ve got to go, thanks for the coffee. – I said, taking the last sip quickly. – Goodbye.

I said, and ran away, not even hearing anything else Paige had to say. I was too confused and my head was too filled with thoughts that I couldn’t even hear what my “heart” had to say.  

The Hardest Choice [Mario Götze]Where stories live. Discover now