Chapter 7: The Busjacking

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Light's POV

"You're up early for a Saturday, Light." Mrs. Yagami said as she came into the kitchen to find that Light had just eaten.

"I'm going out, so I went to bed early last night." Light said. He took the newspaper that was lying on the table and picked it up, walking upstairs. Once he was in his room he locked the door.

"Got your test result?" Ryuk asked. Light opened the newspaper and the headline read,

"Convenience Store Robber Stabbed to Death by Employee"

"This Death Note's amazing. Look at this. It happened precisely the way I wrote it!" Light sat down at his desk and took out the notebook.

'Now, let's hope the guy follows me again today... I'm pretty positive he will. There's no point shadowing me only on weekdays and then not watching what I do on my days off. He can't clear me until he does that.' He put his pencil on a fresh page in the notebook and started to write.

"Now, for the main event. Yesterday on the news, they say this drug addict tried to rob a bank but was unsuccessful. He attacked a few people and then ran away empty-handed. I'll use him." He looked at the small digital clock on his phone.


"It's a little early... but I'll try a few anyway."

"Hm? Try a few...?"

"Girls. This might surprise you, but I'm pretty popular with the ladies, Ryuk."

(With Midoriya):

Midoriya stayed up till about 9:00 in the morning looking through the internet for more info on Kira and was getting out of bed, and going to get dressed. After he showered, he grabbed his phone and called Ginger.

"Moshi Moshi!~ Aito-kun, do you need something?"

"I was wondering if I could talk to Nagai-kun really quickly?"

"Oh, yeah sure. Nagai! Come here, please!" Midoriya heard feet tapping, indicating that someone was running up the stairs to Ginger.

"Moshi Moshi, Aito-senpai! What did you need?"

"Oh, I was wondering if you could meet me at the Minami Park bus stop at around 11:00 to go to Spaceland?"

"Ok! See you then. Dewa!"

"Mata!" Midoriya hung up and then got dressed in a pair of skinny black shorts that went down to almost his knees, white knee-high socks, a pair of white heels with small yellow stars, and a hoodie with big open sleeves and a cat hood. He put in some small star earrings and brushed light pink lipstick onto his upper lip. He blow-dried and combed his hair, making it fall into place before skipping downstairs and making breakfast for him and Trixter. Once he was done, he kissed Trixter on the head and grabbed his wallet, heading out the door. About 15 minutes later, he arrived at the bus stop and waited, knowing his stalker was close behind. A couple of minutes later, he saw a girl a little taller than him with dark brown hair and brown eyes walk up and stand next to him. Midoriya looked at her and tilted his head.

"You're Yuri, right?" The female nodded, blushing slightly at the male next to her.

"Yes, I am. You're Aito Seiya? I've seen you around class before." Midoriya let out a little smile before dropping it.

"I apologize if I don't show that much emotion. I'm trying to smile more often."

"Oh no, it's fine! You look very handsome either way." Midoriya flushed from embarrassment and fiddled with his fingers until he heard somebody shout his name.

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