Chapter 12: Tennis Match And A... Heart Attack?!

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A few days later, Midoriya got out of bed and put on a simple white t-shirt and a gray hooded cloak coat that went down past his hips, along with a pair of ripped jeans that cuffed down at the ankles, showing off a pair of black sneakers that showed the picture of the representation of light going through glass. He attempted to brush his hair and then left, giving a kiss goodbye to Trixter on the way out along with a bowl of chicken and blueberries for her to eat. He hurried to the underground, hopped onto a train headed to TO-OH, and took out his phone, watching it until he arrived at the next station. Once he arrived at the University, he greeted a couple of people in the courtyard and sped over to the tennis court. Ryuga and Light had invited him over the night before, so he came as asked.

"Ohayō Light-kun, Ryuga-kun!" He said, stopping in his tracks.

"Morning Seiya-kun," Ryuga replied, holding a tennis racket loosely in his hand.

"Hey, Aito-kun. Do you want to play with us?"

"No, no, it's fine. I'm not all that good at tennis, but I know how to referee from subbing for a couple of my friends' tournaments."

"Well, you can ref then. It'll only be one set since it's our first time playing together. Whoever wins six games first is the winner. Alright with you two?"

"Fine by me!"

"Fine." Midoriya hopped onto the referee's post and watched as Ryuga and Light made their way over to the court. Ryuga bounced the tennis ball on the ground a couple of times before looking straight at Light and throwing it up in the air, hitting it hard. It sailed past Light and bounced, hitting the fence.

"Fifteen love," Ryuga said, already in possession of another ball.

"Woah, Ryuga. You sure don't mess around. Ever heard of warming up?" Light chuckled.

"He who strikes first is always the victor." Midoriya smiled as he thought the exact same.

(Time Skip):

"Set! Won by Light Yagami, six games to four," Midoriya announced. The brunette and the raven shook hands and congratulated each other on a good game as Midoriya hopped off of the referee tower and landed with a light *thump* on the ground. The greenette walked over and congratulated the two on the set while the crowd that had formed, cheered and then started to slowly depart.

"That was very exciting to watch. You two play very well. Did you play in junior high?"

"Yeah. I was the national junior high champion. I quit when I went into high school to focus on my studies."

"How about you Ryuga?"

"I used to be the British junior champion."

"You're British? Or did you only used to live in England?"

"I lived in England for 5 years. But don't worry, it's absolutely impossible to figure out L's identity from this information."

"That's relieving to hear."

"It's been a while since I've played that hard. I'm feeling kind of thirsty. Plus, there's something that I want to ask you about. You want to go somewhere for a drink?"

"You beat me in the tennis match. The least I can do is answer some of your questions. But before this conversation goes any further, there is something I must tell you two."

"What's that?" Light asked, and Midoriya tilted his head a smidge.

"I suspect that one of you two is in fact, Kira. Now if you still want to ask me something, then please go ahead." Midoriya kept quiet, for he had nothing to ask at the moment.

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