Chapter 11: Exam Day and The Meeting

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(A/N: I'm going to skip ahead to the TO-OH standard university entrance exam day since you probably know how the parts leading up to that go. I also just wanted to get to the part where Midoriya and Light meet L because I don't have any more ideas leading up to that part.)

Midoriya's eyes fluttered open, only to shut again and squint because of the ray of sunlight shining directly onto his face from the windows in his bedroom. The curtains were accidentally left open the night before and they were now hanging on each side of the window, having the fine white cotton fabric draping down to the floor, collecting the dust that had swept across the floor over the night. He groaned quietly and got up, scratching his head and heaving himself off of the bed and towards the bathroom.

He took a quick shower to wake himself up then stepped out of the shower, drying off, thankful that there were no more cameras around to watch him in his own time, and changed into a white hoodie with black cat paw-prints, a slightly short black, and long white checkered skirt, knee-high white socks, thick black platform shoes, and black fishnet gloves. He brushed his hair out of his eyes with his fingers for a few seconds, to look at his large, dull eyes. They were Seafoam green around his pupils and faded quickly into a shimmering Shamrock and Emerald green with thick long white eyelashes. He sighed and let go of his hair, letting it fall back into place, in front of his eyes. He put in his ear piercings, (stainless steel ring with a lock on his earlobe, small black, and white stars, and a small gold ring on the top corner of his ear) and nose piercing, then brushed his hair and teeth before grabbing his bag and heading out of the bedroom. He walked out the front door, but not before eating and feeding Trixter, and hurried down the street to the train station and hopped onto a train heading in the direction of the To-Oh University exam center. Once he arrived at the exam center, he noticed he was running late so he sped up, nearly passing Light on the way in. He went and took his seat in a hurry, not noticing the eyes of the people around them widening as they saw him arrive. He glanced next to him and noticed that Light was sitting next to him.

"Ohayō Light-kun, I didn't see you there!" Light started to blush, for he hadn't noticed the greenette, being so lost in his thoughts. Light smiled in response and turned forward, trying to focus on calming down before the exam started.

"You may start." Everyone opened their testing booklets and started to read off the questions. Midoriya took out a couple of small cupcakes and started to eat quietly, not being noticed by the proctor but tensing up when he called someone out, passing his row.

"You there... number 162. Sit properly." Midoriya and Light turned their heads slightly in sync and saw a slim and pale, but tall male a little older than the two with messy shoulder-length black hair and large, dull black eyes. He was staring directly at the two, and Midoriya thought he was fairly attractive in his opinion and held back an unnoticeable tint of pink that was trying to blossom out onto his cheeks. He turned back to face his paper and took a deep breath, releasing a calming aura as he breathed out, making people around him relax. He finished and double-checked all of his answers in less than 10 minutes, confident that he got everything right and passed. He closed the testing booklet and turned his answer key over so that no one could copy off of him. He then brought his knees up to his chest and popped a lollipop into his mouth, swirling it around as he waited for everyone else to finish. A couple of minutes went by and he turned his head slightly around, eyes widening slightly when he saw the boy from earlier looking directly at him, also completed with his test. He took the lollipop out of his mouth for a quick second to smile at the male, before placing it back in.

(Time Skip):

A couple of days later, Midoriya arrived at the TO-OH entrance ceremony in the same outfit as the first entrance exam, it being cleaned of course. The cherry blossoms fluttered around him in the breeze, it made sense since it was springtime. He had received word that he had scored 100% in every subject and tied with two other people. He already knew one of them was Light, but he was questioning who the other one was. He assumed that it was the messy raven-haired male that sat behind him and Light every day of the entrance exams. He sat in an interesting position and always finished his tests quickly like Midoriya. Once he was done, he would seem to be off in his own little world until it was time to leave.

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