Chapter 4 - The Photos

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Over the next week, Taylor gets busy with her teaching, just as Joe returns to the office but the two of them seem to be texting non-stop. It's completely enthralling to Taylor, having someone to message randomly during the day. The little jokes, the serious conversations about how their days are, the absentminded chit chat. She loves it all. It's the one thing keeping her head above water at the moment. She hasn't heard from Adam since that last text, but she can't quite shake the feeling that she's being watched. She's growing more careless though, convinced she's being paranoid seeing as nothing has happened and she isn't actually seeing anyone. She hasn't mentioned to anyone yet either, is well aware how crazy it sounds and doesn't particularly want to be called paranoid. 

So as she's walking home, Taylor feels her phone buzz in her pocket and grins - it could really only be one person. Joe. 

Joe: Hey, I know it's last minute but I was thinking we could hang out tonight? 

She's excited, more than elated by his suggestion. She's not really in the mood to go out, so she invites him over instead.

Taylor: I'd love to! Why don't you come over? We can get takeout and play games or watch a movie?

She watches the three dots appear and feels the giddiness wash over her again. She's so excited at every opportunity to talk to him, can't wait to see him in person again. 

Joe: Perfect! Does six work? 

Taylor: Definitely, see you then :)

She shoves her phone back into her pocket, continuing her walk home with the wind blowing through her hair, a slight spring in her step - excited for what's to come for the evening. 


5:56, she hears a knock on the door. Her stomach is fluttery again, excited to get to know this man who'd taken it upon himself to talk to her at a random café on a cool autumn day. She swings the door open to reveal the tall blonde man, a grin seemingly plastered on his face. 

"Well hello, long time no see!" He teases playfully, giving her a small hug before following her into her apartment. 

"Welcome back to my place, sorry it's a bit messy." She watches him look around jokingly, 

"What? I don't see a single piece of mess!" His tone is playful, clearly choosing to sarcastically toy with her. Taylor just rolls her eyes at him before grinning,

"What would you like me to order for dinner?" 

"Oh don't worry about that! Food is on it's way." He winks at her, she's entranced by him. He's just so gorgeous, so effortlessly funny and enjoyable to be around. 

The pair settle into the couch with wine, laughing lots and sharing stories. 

"Your boss sounds absolutely insane!" Taylor laughs, 

"Oh he's mental. Works us like bloody dogs. I don't think he even knows the word 'holiday'." He sips his wine.

"Mental!" Taylor teases in an awful British accent. 

"Oh lord, you're so American!" She snorts with laughter

"What is that supposed to mean?!" She giggles as he pokes her side

"Every American I meet teases my accent at least once! I thought I'd dodged it with you but here we are!" He's so sarcastically funny and she loves it. 

"I happen to think I do an incredible British accent, thank you very much." She retorts, taking a mouthful of wine, savouring the environment they've both created this evening. 

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