Chapter 23 - Trying

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It's now been two weeks since they've touched down in London. They'd spent some time with Joe's family, but really they've just been spending the time with one another, both soaking up the fact that they get to be together - with no big scary monsters hiding in the closet anymore. Well, except for the trauma the whole situation caused, and Taylor can't help but feel bad anytime she panics, or spaces out for a little too long. Joe has told her countless times that it's all a part of healing, that it doesn't matter how long it takes. She remembers bursting into tears one night in bed, just after the trial had ended. It had all just come crashing down again, the memory of it all. She remembers how Joe had just simply held her close then, giving her all the time she needed to get her pieces back in place.

Today, they're heading down to the park they'd walked through the last time they'd been in London. But it's different this time, she's not even the slightest bit afraid of being out in the open - in fact, she relishes in it now. 

"Do we have everything we need?" She asks Joe as she finishes tying her shoelaces. 

"I think so love, we've got enough food to feed an army." He laughs, wrapping an arm around her waist. 

"Well, we've got to be prepared!" She giggles, noticing how much lighter she feels these days. It's strange to notice that, considering how dark everything had felt for so long. She feels him press a kiss to her head before grabbing her hand and the picnic basket. Despite it being Spring here in London, it's still freezing. But she doesn't care, all she wants is to have a picnic with her boyfriend - her incredibly loving boyfriend. She can't help the smile on her face as he leads her out the door. 

They walk down the street in silence, she's just taking everything in. She's noticed herself doing that a lot lately. For a long time she really didn't think she'd make it much further, honestly thought she wouldn't live to see a time where she'd be free of Adam. But here she is. In London of all places. It's so so pretty here, so wonderfully peaceful. She enjoys just walking along and looking around, feeling his hand firmly holding hers. There's just something so comforting in the way he holds her hand, in the way he holds her in any capacity she supposes. She finds herself just looking at him, the way the wind tousles through his hair - how strikingly blue his eyes are. She sees him turn to look at her, a grin on his face.

"What are you looking at love?" He teases, squeezing her hand. 

"I mean, the view isn't too bad." She flirts shyly, giggling when his cheeks turn pink. She's still finding her footing with the whole relationship thing, and being forward with her attraction. She knows she loves him, more than she thought she could anyone. But flirting? She's having to relearn that it's okay. 

"Says you!" He exclaims, throwing his arm around her shoulders. 

It doesn't take much longer for them to reach the park, they set up their picnic blanket and sit down, unpacking their food. 

"It's so pretty here." She murmurs, looking around them - almost in awe. 

"It is." He grins, "But do you want to know a secret?" Taylor turns her attention back to him, nodding. "I think you're prettier." She feels her face heat up, knows she's blushing and shies away from him. "Taylor?" 

"Hmm?" She looks back up at him after a moment.

"Why do you struggle to take compliments?" He asks gently, a soft look on his face. She shrugs, averting her gaze for a moment. 

"I'm just not used to them, I think." She answers honestly, she enjoys being honest with him. He makes her feel safe, even with all the demons still hiding in her closet. She knows that despite Adam being locked up, there's still a lot she needs to work through mentally. It had all been a lot, most of it she's shoved aside for the time being. 

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