Chapter 13 - Exploring

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London is peaceful, more peaceful than she'd thought it'd be. Perhaps it's got something to do with having left the chaotic parts of her life behind in New York, or perhaps there's just something about London. She'd woken up well before Joe had, jet lag telling her she was late for work. So she's just been sitting on the little window seat in his living room, looking out at the street - at the people passing by. It's raining, the gentle pitter patter hitting the roof, adding to the ambience of it all. She's always loved the rain, has never minded being caught in it on her walks home. But what's even better is being cozied up indoors with a thick blanket and just listening to it. She's craving a coffee but has no idea where Joe keeps his stuff, doesn't want to just go rustling through his kitchen. So instead, Taylor just enjoys the scene in front of her - the tension leaving her body with every minute she's spends here. 

She wishes she'd found Joe years ago, that they'd come to London a long time ago. She wouldn't have a stalker ex if she'd just held out a little longer, if she'd found this wonderful man a little sooner. It's crazy to think where life pulls you sometimes, why did something so painful have to be the thing that brought her and someone so wonderful together so quickly? She supposes it allows for a deeper understanding of gratitude. She notices all the small sweet things Joe does for her, probably more than she would've if she'd met him first. Nonetheless, she'd go through all that hurt all over again if it meant finding Joe. There was just something about him from that very first day that's drawn her in. Sitting here now, with him asleep in the next room just feels so surreal, and the appreciation washes over her now. She's so lucky that their paths crossed that day.

Not much later, she hears Joe stumble out of the bedroom. The poor guy had been up till a ridiculous hour last night, she can't help but smile at his sleepy eyes and fluffy hair. He comes towards her, pressing a soft kiss into her hair. 

"Good morning!" She giggles, grabbing onto his hand as he sits down across from her.

"Morning love." His voice is thick with sleep, the pair of them sit in silence to allow Joe some time to properly wake up. He gently pulls her towards him, she situates herself between his legs, back pressed up against his chest as he holds her close, pulling the blanket back up over her.. They cuddle there lazily for a while, Taylor still looking out the window. She'd grown so used to drawing her blinds shut - afraid of who may be looking in - so this feels like a luxury. Everything about this moment feels perfect, almost as though she couldn't be happier. Eventually, Joe presses a kiss to her cheek - gently easing out from behind her with the promise of returning with coffee. She grins at him, properly sitting up and watching him potter around the kitchen from her spot. She already knows this is probably going to be her favourite place in his house, he'll probably find her here often. 

When Joe returns, he sits opposite her as they both quietly sip their coffee. 

"Are you up for doing anything today?" Joe murmurs softly, his words excite her. The idea of being able to go out and do something in the world - she can finally let her guard down. 

"Absolutely! But you look exhausted so we can totally stay here too."

"I'm good, don't you worry about that. I was thinking we take it easy anyway, just a gentle walk down to this really incredible café for lunch - we could take the long way back and walk through the park, there's a pretty lake in there. Plus we'd need to pick up some groceries I'd say, there's absolutely nothing here for us to eat." 

"That sounds really nice!" She's excited, hadn't felt this enthusiastic about anything in a long time. The giddiness in her chest is so refreshing, she genuinely hopes it doesn't go away anytime soon.

"We can pick up some wine for dinner, I did bring scrabble with me." He's really thought about everything hasn't he? 

"That's perfect, I can't wait to thrash you again!" She feels the wide grin on her face that she can't seem to wipe off. 

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