Chapter 24 - Golden Touch

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When Joe and Taylor make it inside, Taylor finds herself feeling less bold - but still wanting to do what they'd talked about. She watches as Joe drops the picnic table on the kitchen table, before leaning against the bench and looking at her. 

"Why do you look scared?" She asks, a hint of laughter in her voice, although it's probably not that funny. 

"I'm not scared!" He stands up properly, walking over to her. "I'm just making sure you're okay." He murmurs, resting his hands on her waist. 

"I'm good." She mumbles, winding her arms around his neck. She leans a little closer, almost letting their lips touch. His breath is warm, she can tell he's hesitating so she pulls his head down to collide his lips with hers. The way he kisses her just feels so magical, so soft and wonderful. She enjoys kissing him, genuinely looks forward to it too. She lets her fingers grip onto his hair as the kiss deepens. His hands glide under her shirt a little, caressing her bare skin. She appreciates the closeness of his skin on hers. She drifts her hands down his back, reaching the hem of his shirt and tugging at it a little before pulling it over his head. The kiss breaks for a split second before they're right back to it. She can't get enough of him, her hands gripping onto his bare back. His hands gently pull off her shirt, slowly and carefully. She smiles into the kiss, his hands returning to her bare skin. She pulls him a little closer, gets excited when his lips drift down to her neck as he holds her close. Taylor can't help but let out a little gasp when he finds the right spot on her neck, digging her nails a little deeper into his back. 

"Should we take this to the bedroom?" He murmurs, his blue eyes looking deep into hers. She nods, almost hypnotically so. She feels him grab her hand, gently squeezing and leading her to the bedroom. 

Joe lays her gently down on the bed, hovering over her before retuning his lips to hers. 

"You're so beautiful Taylor." He murmurs, his lips moving down to her neck again, trailing down to her collarbone. He lights her up, she can feel how comfortable she is with him. He's making her feel so good. She lets out a gentle moan when she feels his hand slip into her bra, his other hand reaching behind her back to unclip it. She watches him toss it across the room, bringing his attention back to her boobs. She shudders a little, her mouth falling open as he takes her nipple into his mouth, massaging the other with his hand. Taylor tangles her fingers up in his hair, holding on as she lets herself get lost in the pleasure he's bringing her. 

She feels his fingers reach down to unbutton her jeans, but he stops, looking up at her for a moment.

"Is this okay?" He asks softly. She nods, encourages him with a smile. He pulls down her jeans, leaving her in only her underwear. She watches as he stands up, pulling off his own trousers before climbing back on top of her and continuing his journey down her body. He's going so slow, and she appreciates it. She knows he's making sure she's comfortable at every step they take today, allowing her the time to refute his movements. She's so glad she's enjoying this with him, her body is almost on fire - his touch really is electrifying. She feels his lips trail down her stomach, slowly reaching her panty line. He looks up at her once more, making sure she's okay with this. She nods again, excited to see where this takes her. He gently slips her underwear down her legs, she can feel a wetness between them. It's been years since she's felt that sensation. All of a sudden, she feels his finger make contact with her most sensitive spot, rubbing tight circles. She can't help but let out a loud moan, throwing her head back. It feels overwhelmingly good, she wants to feel like this forever. 

"You sound so hot love." He murmurs, his voice a little huskier than normal. She digs her nails into his back as he continues working on her body. His words just turn her on further, she hadn't realised they would. His lips begin kissing her neck again as his fingers continue the magic down there. All of a sudden, she feels her stomach tightening and she knows she's close. She's close to that sweet release that everyone talks about, she's never quite understood if she's reached that before. 

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