Chapter 21 - Freedom

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It's just under a week later and both Taylor and Joe are boarding a flight to London. It's almost surreal to her that they're here, hopping on a plane together with no concern for who might be following them. They're just simply taking a trip. This time, they've planned to go for a good month - she'll spend time with his friends and family, enjoying the city she's always wanted to go to. On the way home, they plan to spend two weeks in Nashville with her family. Her mom had been so happy to hear that, and even happier to know that Taylor's finally safe. For the first time in almost two years, she's safe, and happy even. 

As the two of them settle into their seats, Taylor leans up to press a kiss to Joe's cheek, almost unable to contain her excitement. 

"Just five more hours." He murmurs, cupping her cheek and kissing her lips. She smiles at him, so in awe of him. He'd really dropped everything to help her with all that Adam stuff, and now she's finally free. Of course, there's still some emotional trauma there - she's still a little fucked up, but he's here for her every single time. He hasn't pushed her to feel better, hasn't forced her to move on too quickly, he just supports her through it all, the same way she'd support him when he needs it. 

"This is going to be the best trip ever." She says softly, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"Yeah?" He asks, gently brushing her hair out of her face. 

"Yeah." She breathes out. "Getting to do all this with someone I love, finally free from the constraints that have held me back for so long. It's just...unexplainable." And she really can't explain it, it's all just so exhilarating. 

"I can't even imagine. I'm so lucky to get to see you do all these things." Taylor grabs his hand, gently kissing his knuckles. His words are always so sweet, she doesn't know how his words are always so perfect. She's so tired, it's almost midnight and they're just now taking off. It had been the first flight available to them to get to London and Taylor had just wanted to take it, excited to be freely leaving New York and all that damage behind. She lets her eyes flutter shut, sinking into Joe as much as she can with the armrest in the way. She feels herself slightly drifting off, but the seatbelt sign dinging off jerks her back to reality. Joe laughs slightly at her reaction, before pushing back the armrest and pulling her as close as he can. His chin rests on her head as she curls up against him. 

"Sleep a while, we have hours to go still." He whispers, gently stroking her arm. She mumbles something incoherent before properly slipping into sleep. It's almost laughable now to her that before him she'd been in such a constant state of fear that she hadn't been able to sleep at all. But now, she can fall asleep on aeroplanes, as long as his arms are firmly around her. 

She wakes up, startled by a bit of turbulence. It takes her a moment to get a sense of where she is, but when she does she looks up at Joe - who has also fallen asleep. He looks so peaceful, his arms still wound around her waist as they're cuddled up together. She snuggles back into his chest, awake, but just happy to be in his arms. She wonders how much longer they have on the plane, but doesn't want to move to check. Instead she finds herself daydreaming about their future together. About all the memories they're going to make now, that instead of looking over her shoulder, she can just look at him, she can look ahead. She knows London is going to be the start of their new chapter, a place they will always remember - no matter if they end up in America. She hopes she can get back to teaching after their long holiday, that Joe can chase his endless dreams. Above all, she just really hopes they both end up happy - and together of course. She's never felt like this about anyone, even before all her damage. She can't believe she's found him, that they have each other. 

Not much later, she feels Joe stir, his arms tightening around her as his lips find her head. 

"Morning sleepyhead." She whispers, giggling. 

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