Chapter 18 - The Trial

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The trial begins today and Taylor's a mess. She'd picked out her outfit last night so she's fully ready to go but just can't stop pacing through the house. She's stressed, in every single way and she doesn't know what to do with herself. What if she messes up her statement? Will they think she's lying? Will one single stutter be the difference between winning or losing this case? Every single possibility is running through her mind right now.

Joe's in the kitchen making them breakfast - as if she can even think about food right now, but she promised him she'll try. So she finally sits down at the table, bouncing her leg - unable to sit still in any way. Joe places a small plate of food in front of her, she just stares at it for a moment, feeling even more stressed than she had been a few minutes ago. She almost wants to just throw up. 

"Taylor..." She feels him gently grab her hand and looks up. "It's going to be okay, you don't even have to say anything today. We know it's mainly for the police to present their findings and whatnot." She knows he's trying to calm her down, but nothing's working today. She knows she's going to be a complete mess this week and she really hopes it's not too much for him. 

"I know. I'm just not ready for any of this." She mumbles, pushing her food around the plate with a fork.

"That's okay. But we'll get through this, I promise." They smile at each other, before Taylor forces  herself to take a bite of her food. 


Soon enough, they're on their way to the courtroom and Taylor just stressed again. Joe's hand has been holding hers the entire ride, squeezing firmly as they pull up to the front. As they step out of the car, they're hustled inside to a waiting room. Suddenly all she's focusing on is that she has to see him today. For the first time since she walked away, she's going to be seeing him. It hits her like a train and it's enough to send her into a panic spiral. Joe quickly pulls her into an empty bathroom, locking the door and pulling her close.

"It's okay love." He murmurs as she falls apart, his fingers running through her hair as he holds her tight. Her fingers cling to his shirt, desperate for her pieces to fall back into place. How the hell is she supposed to face that man? She'd almost forgotten about that part, but now - she can't stop thinking about it. She feels Joe pressings soft kisses to her head, murmuring gentle words into her ear. She pulls herself together enough to just focus on that, and eventually his words are enough to calm her down completely. 

"I'm sorry." She mumbles, embarrassed at how quickly she'd managed to break down. 

"You don't have to apologise, it's going to be a tough week - breakdowns are expected. Don't put the extra pressure on yourself to feel okay." He delicately brushes her hair off her face before kissing her gently. They stand there for a few more moments, making sure Taylor isn't going to lose it the moment she steps out again. 

"Okay." She takes a deep breath. "I'm ready." She sees him nod, their hands linking once more before they head out to meet with their lawyer one last time before the trial commences. Joe had found one of the best lawyers in the state - and had paid for it. She still feels bad about it, and knows she'll do everything she can to make it up to him. But he'd assured her that it's the least he can do. That he may not be able to take the stand for her but he can be damn sure she's got the best people fighting for her cause. It had been another moment where she'd realised how much he cares, how willing he is to just do things for her. 

Her breath hitches as they walk into the courtroom. She's had to leave Joe sitting behind her, unable to have him sitting with her. That had been hard, knowing she couldn't have him next to her. And now that he's really not here, she feels out in the open. She hears Adam and his lawyers sit down but she doesn't even turn her head. She can't look at him yet, not until she absolutely has to. He speaks on the third day, and Taylor's already decided that she can't be here for that. She doesn't want to hear his defence for ruining her entire life, or watch him do his best to manipulate the jury into believing she's lying. So she'll be in the hallway for that bit, probably pacing up and down. But it'll be better than he actually being in here. 

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