0.9: Official

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"If I give my heart to you,
Will you promise you will handle it with care?
Will you always treat me tenderly?
And in every way be fair?"
-Doris Day


"I need two chocolate frappes asap!" for some reason today was a lot more chaotic than usual, our Cafe was getting a lot of attention and I couldn't be more thankful, but the pressure was a lot to handle.

"Hey, be careful, let me help you with that." two hands took the drinks I was holding from me making me smile immediately. Of course I loved him having the small gestures but I also couldn't help but feel like a burden.

"Thank you, but shouldn't you be at your office working? I don't want you to waste your time, you have to finish the project for tomorrow, remember?" right after he handed the drinks to the customers at the table nearby, my hands instinctively went behind his neck, caressing his soft dark locks. How long has it been since he cut his hair? His only response was a soft sigh, I know he loves having his hair played with which made me smile at his adorable dazed look.

"And I told you that you matter a lot more to me, besides it's Saturday, I only work half a day today, so that means..." he paused for a moment as his mouth went closer to my ear whispering softly "we have the entire evening to ourselves." his luscious voice sent shivers down my spine. I know what game he's trying to play.

"Nice try Andrew, but you're finishing your project tonight." He groaned in annoyance as I placed a soft peck on his cheek and walked away to continue serving the customers waiting for their drinks. Leaving him behind smiling to himself like a lovestruck boy.

Andrew and I hadn't made anything official yet, but it was pretty obvious there was something going on, and we were not trying to hide it. We were basically just going with the flow, at the beginning we went on dates, talked on the phone for hours but it felt too soon to make it official, the both of us scared of what might happen in the future. What if history repeats itself?

I tried most of the time to keep my mind preocuppied at the Cafe to avoid these thoughts coming into my mind. Of course I still had my doubts, but the more time I spent with him, the more these doubts faded away.

Eventually the day finally came to an end, my shoes absolutely killing me and I just couldn't wait to get home and get some rest after cleaning everything up at the Cafe.

As he usually does in the weekends, Andrew stayed the entire day until we were all done and even helped around a little bit, for that I couldn't be more thankful.

"Hey, want me to take you home? I can make you dinner and we can cuddle and watch some movies." his words came out as nothing more than a whisper as his large but soft hands soflty massaged my shoulders from behind.

A soft approving moan left my lips earning a chuckle from him." Alright, let's get the princess home." standing in front of me he took both of my hands making me stand up and pulling me with him towards his car.

I couldn't help but drift off while we were on our way to my house. I always insisted we should stay at his since whenever Holly was home she would always make the situation uncomfortable for the both of us. I love her a lot, but I definitely wanted to avoid that at all costs. But tonight I was too tired to complain so we just ended up cuddling and having some dinner at my apartment while watching a romcom.

Well technically Andrew was watching it since I was drifting off most the time after I finished dinner and he started playing with my hair.

"Hey sleepyhead.." I heard a soft whisper as I woke up from my slumber, realizing the movie had ended and I slept through it entirely.

"I'm sorry..." I spoke as a stifled a yawn but it was useless, I couldn't hide how tired I was no matter how much I tried.

"don't apologize, you had a long day, and you did amazing." his hand softly caressed my cheek as I gave him a sleepy smile not having the energy to give any other answer. "Think we can talk for a little? Or do you want to sleep now?" well that woke me up.

"Yes sure, is there something you'd like to talk about?" My palms started sweating for some reason. We're not even official yet and he wants to break up already?

I guess my anxiety was noticeable since he took a hold of both of my hands and placed a soft kiss on each one of them and kept drawing small circles on the back of them.

"The thing is... I'm ready April, I want to make things official with you. I want you to be mine and mine only." his words left me speechless, all the sleepiness that remained was gone and my eyes widened in a way they hadn't before. I couldn't get a single word to come out of my mouth and I think he could tell by the small laugh he let out.

"Should I take that as a yes or...?" he squeezed both of my hands as I snapped back into reality and realized I had to give him an answer.

"Andrew I'd love to..." I couldn't finish my sentence when a pair of soft lips were pressed against mine moving in a perfect sync. This is actually my first kiss.

Thoughts flooded my mind as our lips kept moving against each other. Am I even doing it right? Where should I place my hands? what if my breath smells? I somehow managed to place my hands against Andrew's chest and slightly pushed him away.

"Is everything okay?" he immediately asked in a whisper, his tone seemed alarmed, his eyes quickly examining mines to make sure I wasn't regretting the decision I had just made.

"Yes... I'm fine, I feel great." my words came out as a whisper as well, for some reason it felt like if we spoke any louder our little bubble we had created might burst.

But no other words were needed after that. Andrew placed a soft peck on my lips one more time before covering me with the blanket, his arm going protectively around my waist, my eyes immediately closing at the sudden comfort.

The next morning came in way faster than I wished it did, as much as I wanted to stay in bed and cuddle all day, I hade to get ready and open the Cafe. Thankfully Sundays are only open half day so we would be back home in no time.

Customers started coming, and I started noticing a pattern, Sundays are definitely a family day. Most of the customers that visit on weekdays are wearing business attires, they carry laptops, most of them are in a rush, come way too early trying to get to their jobs and purchase a strong americano, however, on Sundays, people came with their families, sons, daughters, grandparents, couple, anything.

And my theory was proven when a middle aged woman came in with a child holding her hand, the woman asked for a latte and a strawberry smoothie for the child, after the child made a fuss, they also purchased a chocolate chip cookie, they sat at one of the tables while waiting for their drink and I couldn't help but smile at the sight a mother just having a day out with her child.

This is why it was definitely my favorite day of the week, the real purpose of the Cafe, a place where people could find a place of comfort to share with their loved ones, share deep conversation, happy news, sad news, anything that creates a memory.

If I couldn't have it myself, at least I felt happy being able to give that to others. But who knows? Maybe someday I might have a family of my own as well.

As my thoughts flooded my mind I looked over at Andrew who was willingly serving drinks to some customers since we were having a full house.

Yes, someday.

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