1.6 Road Trip

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"it's alright and it's coming along
We gotta get right back to where we started from,
Love is good, love can be strong."
-Maxine Nightingale.


"Just have fun April! Let loose a little, you've been dealing with enough lately, you deserve this weekend off." Holly kept convincing me going to this road trip would be a good idea the entire week. Honestly I was not to thrilled about it, after everything that has been going on all I want is to just lay in bed and sleep for over 24 hours.

I was finishing packing my bag as Holly kept on and on about how I'd have a lot of fun and it would be my chance to finally speak to Andrew after a week without talking to each other. However I'm doubting if I even want to speak to him again. "And if anything happens, I'll be right there to pick you up, you already know that. And don't even worry about the Cafe, I'll make sure to go and check everything is going well, okay? Just have fun April. You deserve it."

As Holly spoke she pulled me into a hug I didn't even know I needed. I sighed as I buried my head into her neck and closed my eyes trying to stop tears from coming out. I hate that all of this has made me so emotional.

As I finished getting my stuff ready, I received a message from Riley saying she was downstairs waiting for me. Here goes nothing. I grabbed my bags and made my way outside when I noticed a car that wasn't actually Riley's but it was Andrew's car instead, and he was outside leaning against it. So is this just some plan to get us to make up? Does that mean he spoe to others about what happened?

"April... I-I missed you..." his voice was almost like a whisper, careful of what could happen. I could only scoff and cross my arms over my chest.

"Why are you here and not Riley?" at that moment I felt my heart aching as I remembered how I would wait for a simple text or a call the past nights but nothing came. I'm guessing this is the only way he could come up with to talk.

"I.. Told her you'd go with me..." he paused for a moment as if he was thinking what to say next. "I didn't mention anything that happened... April, let's go, and we can talk on our way there, please." His voice was pleading and as much as I just wanted to walk back into my house and unpack everything, I walked towards the car placing my bags in the backseat and taking a seat in the passengers side. With a sigh, Andrew walked up to the driver's seat and started driving.

The tension was almost tangible as none of us muttered a single word. What am I supposed to even say? He's the one that should apologize!

"April... I... I'm so sorry for what happened, I know I overreacted, I was an asshole to you. I know you would never cheat.. I was just so afraid you would go for him and I wanted to speak to you so bad but I felt ashamed. Ashamed of the way I treated you, April please forgive me." his voice was desperate and I could see his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel keeping his head looking front but turning to me from time to time.

I remained quiet for a little bit, I could tell he was hurting and it hurt me too as I know I had pushed him away as well.

"I'm sorry Andrew.. I should've explained everything to you but instead I pushed you away.. I was just so tired of everything..." my voice went quiet after explaining and suddenly I felt the car coming to a stop by the side of the road. I turned to look at Andrew and he stared at me with a pained but loving gaze. My cheeks started feeling hotter and I seemed to be at a loss of words.

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