Nursery Newbies

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Drugging children is probably illegal in California, but spanking them is not, incidentally. It was a bit naughty of me to give them a strong sedative in their squash, but actually, I did it for their own good, because otherwise I would have been forced to spank them again, to get them properly under control, which I did not want to do. Instead, I knocked them out, and rather effectively if I may say so, since they slept through the rest of that day and through the night to give me a chance to get properly organised, and talk to Mr Brewster. Then, I made some calls and had everything I needed delivered and set up, which is very easy when money seemed to be no object. By the next morning, everything was in order, but I left the Durante girls asleep and concentrated on Bella and Caris. Bella first, as I was going to need her assistance when the others woke up.

"What do you think, Bella? Not quite like home, but as a makeshift nursery, I think we will be able to manage, don't you?" I suggested, as I let down the side of her cot, removed her pacifier and started to unbutton her sleepsuit.

"Yes, Nanny...but I didn't think I would be sleeping in here?" She pouted, still not exactly overjoyed about her new routine, from the sound of things. "Not like this, Nanny?"

"You are on trial, young lady...remember? It is one thing dressing you like a big girl...and letting you help me with the little ones...but quite another letting you do too much for yourself at this stage. I promised your mother that I would look after you...but if you don't like it, I can always go back to how things were before we left home?"

"Oh, no, Nanny...sorry, Nanny...I just want to help you more, Nanny." She gabbled, quickly realising her mistake. I grinned at her, and tickled her tummy.

"That is better, Bella...I want this to work as much as you do, but your family want to be sure that you are ready for more independence, and as I stood up for you, my reputation is at I do not want any nonsense." I said firmly, as I checked her diaper. "And we have to get you dry through the night, too...don't we?"

"Yes, Nanny...but you gave me formula and put me to bed so early..."

"Hmm...true, but I was worried about jetlag...if you are really good for me today, I might let you stay up to eat with me tonight...ok?"

It was ok, of course. I quickly got her cleaned up and then helped her dress, which mostly entailed lacing her into her corset and helping her with her huge gown. Then I left her to do her hair and everything else, and went back into what had been Philippa's bedroom, which was now my nursery. There were five cots where the massive bed had been, and a large playpen on the rug. Bella had slept in one, obviously, and I got Caris out of another. She was sleepy but so pleased to see me, so we had a cuddle and then I took her into the bathroom for a change and to get her dressed, still letting the other three sleep. Then I took Caris to the kitchen, and gave her a bottle, before leaving her with Bella to have some breakfast, so that I could go and raise my sleeping beauties.

Reformist sleepsuits are very effective garments. Mainly because of the integral mittens that render the wearer's hand pretty much useless. Once buttoned in, they cannot get out of it, and they cannot do much without the use of their fingers. Add a silencing pacifier to a sleeping suit and you have a quiet, helpless child, as my three problems discovered as they started to regain consciousness. They were still groggy and I watched them working out what had happened to them and where they were.

"If you try to climb out of your cots, I will spank you." I announced in my fiercest voice. "If you struggle when I change you, or feed you, I will spank you...and if you speak without being spoken to, when I remove your pacifiers, I will spank you...but if you behave, if you are nice and reasonable, we will get along fine. Your grandfather is employing me to help him get you home to Meadvale, and he wants you to live there as may not be your choice, but you are children and you don't get one. Now, Miss Deacon and I are going to give you a lovely morning bottle, and then we are going to change you, get you dressed, if you behave, and give you some breakfast."

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