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I wake up feeling nice and warm. I know Toji is next to me, but I don't want to leave yet. I want to keep on pretending this can go on forever. I feel his beating chest against mine. His face is tucked in my neck. His breaths hitting it, causing chills to go down my spine. His arm is wrapped around my waist, keeping me hostage, not that I mind. Though I would never admit it to him. My hand is tousled in his black hair. I can feel the tangles in my long hair already. But I don't care. I don't care that I can't feel my arm. Because this is... nice. It's calming. I think he feels the same, too. I stay there for another half an hour before I slowly move my arm out from under him. He grumbles something.

"Huh?" I say.

"Took you long enough to wake up," he says again.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I'm not your teddy bear, let go."

He obeys and I get up, pulling down my shorts a little from it rising. I go inside the bathroom and brush my teeth quickly. I get out and see Toji still laying in bed. I notice a note on the table. I pick it up.

Gojo and I are going to go scout out the area for Megumi. Stay with Toji and try not to talk to Gojo right now. None of this is your fault, he's just stressed.


I scoff and throw the note in the trash.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I go back in bed and sit down in front of him, criss cross applesauce. "Nanami doesn't think I should be helping them out with finding Megumi, when this is all my..."

Toji's intense stare stops me from saying anything.

"It's not your fault. I know what you were trying to do. Now stop blaming yourself, it's annoying," he says getting up.

"Also I can see your panties when you sit like that," he says smirking back at me.

I blush and press my legs together. "You perv."

"You were just in bed with this perv a few minutes ago," he points out.

"Shut up," I say laying back down on the bed, face down.

Suddenly, I feel myself being turned around so that I'm laying on my back. "What was that for?" I ask angry at Toji.

"Don't put your ass up like that unless you want me to do something," he says.

"Shut up you perv!" I yell throwing a pillow at him.

He grabs it and smirks, coming towards me. I throw more pillows at him, laughing as his face gets hit. A geniune smile goes on his face as I try pushing him away. He pins my arms down, me laughing with tears in my eyes.

"Your- haha- your face!" I say remembering how his face looked like when the pillow smashed against it.

He laughs, too. I look at his happy face. There's no crease in his eyebrows. His teeth shine and his eyes close slighlty. I smile wide. Then, I realize the position we are in. I think he realizes, too, because he looks down at me with hungry eyes.

"I could do anything to you right now," he says sliding his knee between my thighs.

"But you won't," I say looking at him intently.

"Why would you say that?" He asks, his knee moving closer to my crotch.

"Because I'm not one of your whores. I won't let you," I say using my other leg to flip us over, so that I'm on top. He smirks up at me.

"I'm fine with this position, too," he says with a suggestive tone.

I pin his arms over his head and move myself closer to him, slightly moving my hips in the process. I notice him bite his lip to stop a groan. His lips so close to mine. But in the last second, I hit his head, getting off of him quickly and running out the room laughing. I hear him running behind me.

"You aren't going to get away!" He yells getting closer to me.

I laugh trying to go faster. He's definitely going to catch me. But this is fun. I turn around to look at him and see he stopped looking at something ahead of me. Suddenly, I bump into something. I turn and my smile drops.

"Gojo," I say.

He looks down at me in dissapointment. "Tch."

I notice the bruises and cuts on his face. He walks past me, purposely hitting my shoulder on the way. What am I doing? I'm having fun while Megumi is still out there.

"Mina," I hear a soft voice say.

My eyes go wide as I see Megumi walk in with Nanami. My eyes get teary and I run and engulf him in a tight hug. I cry into his shoulder, both of us falling down as we grip on to each other.

"I'm so sorry, Megumi. I love you so much, this is all my fault," I say into his shoulder.

"No, it's not, Mina. It's my own," he says forcing me to look at him.

He's grown up so much. His eyes drift to behind me. Oh shit.

"Hey dad," he says standing up.

I can't read his face. I turn and look at Toji. I notice him get nervous. He scratches the back of his neck and walks towards him. I expect him to do something stupid, but he pulls Megumi in a tight hug. Megumi stands in his arms, unfamiliar to this feeling. After a few minutes, I notice a tear fall out of Megumi's eyes as he clutches onto Toji. Toji dips down to his ear and whispers something. Megumi nods and looks over at me smiling. Nanami holds on to my body because I'm about to fall down. I look up at him and smile noticing him slightly smiling, too. I lean my head against his chest.

"It looks like rhings are gonna be okay," I say softly.

"Yeah, I think they are," Nanami says as we watch Megumi and Toji walking towards the elevator.

Hit girl (Toji Fushiguro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now