chapter 9- the talk

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The next day Lost woke up and slowly got out of bed and put her clothes on. She brushed her hair and put her make up on. The grabbed her bag to to go to school. She head downstairs to leave for school. She was dreading what was gonna go on after school she was hoping that this would go well. She hopes they could be able to agree on something that will work. Before Lost could get it the door her mom called from the kitchen.
" Lost, come here for a minute!!!"
So, she head to the kitchen with an attitude.
" What do you want, mom??!!!"
" Dont Get an attitude with me. Want to know what your problem is right now?"
" Nothing. Just leave me alone. Gotta go to school."
With that she headed to the bus stop. It was kinda early, but she needed to get the hell out of there.
Meanwhile, Punk was getting ready for school. She wasn't gonna ride the bus today. She wanted to avoid conversation between her and Lost til after school.
" Punk, let's go or you'll be late!!!" Her dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
" I'm coming. Just have to grab my bag." She told him
Then they left the house to head to school. She must not be late for it. They got in the car and head straight there. On the way there Punk got a text.

Text time:
Punk: why didnt you ride the bus?
Lost: just not ready to talk
My dad is bringing me to school
Punk: k

With that they all arrived to school.
The time was ticking. Punk wanted it to go quicker. She had to avoid Lost every time she saw her. When she was at her locker before lunch Shadow walked up to talk to her.
Shadow: hey I noticed that you are not talking to Lost today. Whats going on between you two?
Punk: I wanna tell our parents about us finally and she is not ready to do so right now. After school we are gonna talk about when we should to this.
Shadow: at least you get to talk and find out her feeling about this whole situation. That should be good. This way you don't loose her at all.
Punk: that's true
When the bell rang they went to lunch. They were hanging together eating when Lost came to sit with them. Punk told her that she needed to talk to Shadow by herself, so she left the table in a huff.
Shadow: she seems pissed off right now.
Punk: I know. She will get over it when we talk later after school. Don't wanna slip up and mess everything up.
Shadow:that's true. Can't loose a good friend.

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