Chapter 4

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"From here on out, I am alone and travelings getting kinda hard. I mean there are no cars in here for faster transportation. Well at least I got a small sword that girl gave me. Huh that girl? I'm beginning to forget her as I walk even further from her. Wait ah it was Mayleen. Her name's Mayleen. Hmm wonder if she remembered our promise."

Behind him was Mayleen,following him every step of the way.For some purpose,she seems to be stalking Damian.

"Oh I hate our disguises! If I knew we were gonna wear them at least don't make them itchy."-Jenn

"You'll get use to it."-Mayleen

"So you first found him at the forest from where you were camping?"


"That's right."-Mayleen

"You saw him in dire need of help from the clutches of night walkers, so you decided to help. Following that,you trained that guy for only 1 day but managed to get nothing out of him. In the afternoon, both of you decided that it would be best to share a bed to lessen your expenses. Now I know how you sleep but I believe he had a rough night with you am I right?"-Jenn

"How can you be sure? He seemed surprised to me after we woke up."


"Well. I watched you sleep sometime and I have slept with you once although it never did happen to me thank goodness but you are kind of a mover when it comes to sleeping. Thus,waking up in a strange position that makes things weird. I'm guessing that he woke up not so much with energy."Jenn

"I never cared to ask that from him. We actually woke up separate from each other. I better follow him."-Mayleen

"What's your plan?"-Jenn

"The plan? Hmm the plan? What's the plan?"

"Ack! How could you forget your own plan?"-Jenn

"The point is not everyone has a plan so make a plan that's worth than the last plan."-Mayleen

"The plan was to follow him. Remember?"-Jenn


As I walked away,I seek the path to my way home by first seeking guidance from the professions of traveling in these parts. Soon a stranger told me where I want to go. The way she talked convinced me to follow him.

"Hey if you wanna get to the place you wanna go,come with me. So what do you say?"-Stranger

"Yeah alright."-Damian

"Hey! What is he doing with that stranger? I know he wants to go home but he should be careful giving trust to another people."


"Should we intervene them?"-Jenn

"We shall be after I uncover her intentions."-Mayleen

I followed her into a strange area where it seems more strangers looked at me intently.

"Where are we actually going?"-Damian

"Don't worry! This'll be a secure ride. You don't want anything happening to you."-Stranger

"The thing is I'm not sure if you are what I want. Is there something your lying?"-Damian

"What are you up to?"-Mayleen

"Hyahh!(arms himself with his sword) That's enough! I'm beginning to think you set me up."-Damian

"Hmm just as it was getting well. Get him boys!"

The strangers who looked at me intently is revealed to be her henchmen but what do they want from me.

"You fool!" -Mayleen

"What're you doing here?"-Damian

"I came to say hello and Goodbyem You really left me without a word you know...Sniff...and you left me to pay your fare for the ride how do you think I feel? Idiot!"-Mayleen

"Jeez we'll talk about it later. We have to fend off them strangers."


"So this boy's what you've been after? I saw him behind you and you didn't even notice enough from him."-Jenn

"Of course. I had to talk to you my best friend. What would have been with us if we had no time for each other."-Mayleen

"Hey the battle's done. While you were talking,I caught up to that stranger who lured me here."-Damian

"You were gonna do something to him were you? What's your plan? Need to know. Quick! Spit it! Need answers need to secure. Answer me!"-Mayleen

"Calm down. You don't have to go further for me."-Damian

"You think your dedicated to abandon me just for that? What kind of human are you? After all I've done for you this is what I get?"


"Why are you shouting at each other?"-Jenn

"You were about to get assaulted by her henchman. How do you think feel about this?"-Mayleen

"It was a mistake. I didn't know it was a scam OK!." -Damian

"You left without letting me notice."-Mayleen

"Didn't I promise you that we would divide if we have gotten here? I left you to fulfill that."- Damian

"Do you even know where we are? We are in places where more people shall use your trust. You don't know where you are don't you?"


"Of course I... don't. You got me! But what about it?"-Damian

"You wanna get out of here then you need to tame your environment."


"Do you have any idea what this is about?"-Damian

"Uh jealousy? Don't get me involved!"-Jenn

"Look why don't we call it a day and go home."-Damian

"Look you may not get me alright but I too cannot find my home. I've always been obsessed in ever getting out of here but you got no choice. I mean we don't have a choice. I don't recall on how I got here but something must've happened that caused us to forget the previous memory. As crazy as it sounds, I used to be stuck in here like you and if I ever get the chance out of here. I would take it. I have a proposal to make."-Mayleen

"Here we go. Things are getting too serious."

"Will you travel with me as we find the answers to our questions? And maybe we can do stuff while on the way."

"(Did her voice just drop?)"-Jenn

"I can't make promises but I'm willing to let you travel with me."


"Thank you not just for that but for believing in me."-Mayleen

"It's getting late. Where do you suggest we go hit the hay?"-Damian

"Your gonna have to stick with me for a while. On the way to the guild,I'm gonna explain some rules on the guild."-Mayleen

"Do I get to make my own team?"-Damian

"The guild you joined will still be shown but your team will be called by your own preferences of name necessary. As a registering member to the guild,you are going to be the leader of your own team and you're gonna have to recruit members for your team. At anytime sooner when you get to the traces of our memory loss,me and my team will be joining your team. We'll need allies whom are very helpful or somewhat like us. We shall start registering for your team tomorrow."-Mayleen

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