Chapter 2

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"My God! So you met a girl your age,talked for a while and she took a kiss from you? How'd it feel? Hahaha!"

"OK I guess."

"I'd say she pulled that off too early. Do you know who she is? Does she live with wealthy people? Do you know her parents?"

"I'm afraid I didn't get to know her. In fact,I didn't catch her name."

"Aw but do you know her beauty?"

"I do but what is the connection with that question about her?"

"You'll know in the future."

"Hey enough all about love. I'm going to sleep after all the trouble coming home."

On the next day, I woke up early at 4:30. I got awaken by my father's nagging. It seems that we won't be visiting my grandparents for a while because of an argument. I'm just hoping for my sake we'll meet again with her. I got extra time to take a bath and breakfast. I decided to use my bicycle for today because Dad might get suspicious of me listening to his conversations. In class,I spend my time sharing stories to my friends and knowing what's this and that.

"Hey Chen looks like Damian is a little late.

"He just got back from home yesterday."

"What are you guys talking about Roni?"

"It's about a TV show explaining possibilities that might happen to us. I heard one time that there's a possible existence of places not known on any map."

"How come?"

"It could be possible through a certain types of events just like the possibilities of planets on a black hole."

"You do realize that we will die if we went in the black hole right?"

"Not die but never to be seen again. But wouldn't it be cool to go through different places and see people?"


"We should go inside now. We wouldn't want to get detention."

"OK class. Today the class president is not on duty. The vice will take charge of class while your away."

"How come?"

"He mourns to one of his relatives in Canion Village."

"Hmm do you know what happened there?"

"It is not our business to trifle with others. We don't want to feel like were intruding."

"Sorry! Please proceed.(Hmm I hope she is alright.)

3 years have passed since then. I haven't been seeing her because my dad might have had a fight with his parents. On the school, I got great marks on my subjects. I was improving at my overall performance at school and I haven't been able to come back to Canion Village. Most of my time,I would think about her. I don't know why but something strange has come over me. At this time, summer vacation has started and my Father suddenly made a decision to visit his parents but it wasn't when he decides to leave me there. Once I got there, I decide to look for her in the well where we hung out. I thought she was there but I'm sure she would want me here.


"That voice! It's her but where is she? Huh somethings here?"

I picked up a jewel fragment that looks to be the exact charm I gave her.

"! I"

"I'm coming!"

I kept hearing the same voice again. So I ran into the well to see if she was hiding but when I didn't notice,I tripped and fell on the body of the well as well as knocking myself out in the process. I almost drowned. My body feels.... light. Hrah! to be........true. As further I drown,I saw light. I have come my Lord. I shall enter thy heavens with my great ancestors. For I...(cough)(vomits water)

"Uhh Where am I?"

I seem to have no recollection of what I previously did back there but It seems that parts of my memory have been missing. I don't know my home and I do not know where I am. Was I sent here? I am lost right now as I see the wonders that this world seem to have. I saw them creatures that were so out of the world, I saw strange plants,I saw hybrid of one part animal and one part that came from unknown creature and above the sky I saw a dragon. I his from the bushes as far away from the dragon's sight to see the dragon's flight. I was so amazed what this world has.

Somewhere out in the world......

"He has gone! He has gone! I must find him. Who knows what he'll end up doing in there."

"Deary would you mind helping me out?"

"After that I need to talk to you about something."

~~~~~~~~*After all the mumbling*~~~~~~~

"What!? We should go there. His fates tied up to his strings. Worst he is not here. Someone who knows him is bound to go look for him. No one must know about this."

"We will need to tell the old man."

"No we don't! He doesn't need to know about him. Shouldn't we cover up for him? Someones bound to be suspicious of his absence."

"Good point! I'll take care of that. We should prepare to rescue him. I haven't been in there since I was a little kid."

***Back to Damian***

"Well there's nowhere to start than a step. I should find some people for help."

***6 hours since he awoke***

I had been on this woods for 6 hours since I have awoke and it seems that I need to conserve my energy. As I was resting in a tree,I saw what seems to be standing humanlike. I approached the shadow but suddenly creatures struck me down. They began searing my body. I tried my best to avoid any attacks they can hit me but alas I was knocked back and fell unconscious. At brink of dawn,I woke up. I watch the sun rise,the outside beauty of nature and.....legs?.

"Ah! Where am I?"

"You have bear the tracks of those creatures. People need to stay in their inns. Anything can happen at night."

"Who are you?"

"I am Mayleen. I have vowed to myself to search the lands this world has and study these lands of lores."

"Damian. I don't know where to start. I want to go back home but it seems I have forgotten my home."

"Let us rest for now. We will get answers for your help. We set foot first thing in the morning to the next city nearby."

"Are there any aggressive creatures?"

"Only if your outside of the city. Just make sure to keep your calm and patience with the town's creatures and people."

"Hey If you don't mind,Are some kind of hybrid creature too?"

"There are humans too you know."

"How do you survive in this world fills with creatures?"

"We fight to avoid,tame or get the loot they contain. You see,in a world filled with dangers you have to learn to survive."

"Do you live here alone?"

"I have friends that visits me sometimes. How can you call that alone?"

"I'd figure because you are the only one here in your own house."

"We are not the only ones Damian. You can see that don't you? You are here and so am I. Henceforth, we are not alone. I figure that if you lost your home you must have lost your family and all your friends. Remember you are not alone in any of this. Remember me from now on. You will never feel alone."

"Yeah!(That's something she would've said. Only if I knew who she was and what she looked like. That girl,who is she?)"

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