Chapter 9

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As war ensues on the town of Serkimoth,the landlord decides on defending the territory with almost all of the remaining guilds with the exception of the guilds Venzir,Ferlion,and Overside. Venzirans have been taking slumber after their little betrayal. The companions of Damian have taken the job of improving their refuge under the landlord's house. And leader of Ferlion and it's only member have began thinking of a strategy rather than thinking of going mix with Ferlion and Overside's guild rooster.

"Hmm? With the circumstances stacked upon us,how are we gonna fight many of the guilds that have turned our enemies? I wish to help the landlord and the others but it turns out it's still the two of us members in our guild the whole time we started recruiting them."-Mayleen

"Don't you think they could've opposed us because they were under the spell that enemy sorcerer put on the previous guild a while ago?"-Jenn

"I've already knew their intentions since they came to us. Also if it hadn't been for Damian,we would have been their slaves as ladies. Men and their fantasies. Truly they have no self-control at no matter what tempts them."-Mayleen

"Now that this happened,it got me thinking of some idea where we could not work alone anymore. I have seen growth over Damian's guild from these past few days. Within those times where you noticed him taking missions solo,I'd say he grew stronger when he started developing around these parts. You could say this might be an embarrassment to you to ask him if we could start adding ourselves to the mix with his rooster so that you can no longer take riskier missions to provide for ourselves. Well what do you think?"-Jenn

"Ehehehahaha!(Look at his sleeping face that seems to be melting while he is smiling. For some reason he may be happy about his dream)"-Mayleen

"Laugh again and enlighten me!" He said it himself in his own sleep.

Because of the sudden sleep talk. Mayleen had no other choice but to laugh again with the same tone she used to laugh before. She could not stop laughing over his sleep talking.

"Ehehehahaha!(I can see your mouth move too dummy!) Come again?"-Mayleen

"I'm saying we should ask him to take us into his team rooster. If he does take us,maybe you could get to see his sleeping face every night eh? Mhm! Haha!"-Jenn

Meanwhile in Damian's dream. He hears the laughter of his first kisser. He then recalls on how her laugh has been familiar through his own ears. On the features of the dream he sees his young self,from the ages of 10,placing himself besides the girl she first kissed after their chase around the fields of green grass.

He then sees the few features of the girl. She had eyes that has the color of blue,her skin was white with a scale of 6 to 10 white,and she had the color of her hair yellow but not blonde to be exact but he questioned himself whether it truly was her features. Then he saw himself with the girl at the part of when they said their goodbyes. At that moment,he is being put unto her arms while she was about to go for the kiss. He then finds himself into the place of his 10 year old self. Willingly,he asked her:

"What is your name?"-Damian

But the girl did not reply and she went in for his lips. Seemingly,he feels that what her actions are doing with him is a bit silly since she performed a kiss more likely few teenagers and adults do. Then images of his supposed dream began fading and he begins falling in his dreams. A hand then begins to reach for Damian's hand. The latter finds himself relieved and at the same time terrified that both she and he will fall unto the void. She uses all her might and lifts him up. He thanks the girl, who at the same time, also turns to the flesh and face of Mayleen.


"Yes! It is me. I came to your aid when you truly have fallen."-Mayleen

"You are the one who made a laugh at me?"-Damian

"Ehehehahaha! You mean that? Uh huh!"-Mayleen

"Where you the girl whom I didn't get the chance to ask your name?"-Damian

"Huh? I am the girl that introduced my name to you and yet I am not little."-Mayleen

"Wait so your not the one who gave me my first kiss on that time we said our farewells?"-Damian

"I believe we might have almost kissed on that time when I visited you at night at your guild house."-Mayleen

"Why are you saying it in a lower tone of voice?"

He then makes a blink and resulted upon waking up with Mayleen in front of him. The latter startled by the curiosity stare from her remarking that she has monitored his sleep talking.

"Get up! There's a plan we have devised on warding off the enemy."-Mayleen

"Mmm yeah! I guess."-Damian

His distant eyes rolled away from hers. He was very doubtful of what he speculates on his childhood kiss. But the thought of love was present before he was surprised to see Mayleen. The thought of feelings for her has him running questions. In his mind,he thought of the possibility that it could be her he was looking for but his mind has made it clear that he will need to speculate something from her. He calmly puts his hand over her shoulder and asks her.

"So what do we do?"

She then grabs his hands from her shoulder. He saw the gloom from her lips telling him the plan is not comforting her.

"We give them what they want. In turn,the guilds of this town will be no more. If we fight what chance do we have? Our enemies lies between those walls if we pass their troops. My deepest sorrow I can tell you is that we might be bought into a lie where we fight each other. Killing each other is the last thing that I want."-Mayleen

"There are some numbers here that can hold down some troops if we fight."-Damian

"It is too late. The landlord has made up it's mind to surrender."-Mayleen

"Listen! In these cases there's always another option and like the flowers we wait for their bloom. For me,I'm not satisfied answering to nothing."-Damian

"He has a point! And we're all with him as am I with my companions. I have hold off barely enough to fit a bear's stomach. Ach! You get what I'm saying!"-Venziran's Leader

"Then there's only thing that I ask of you Damian. Don't leave my questions ever unanswered. You get it?"-Mayleen

"Sure! I need to learn all of what your capable of. There is much sorcerers we must stop to disable their magic."-Damian

"The name's Zeruna. Venzir's leader,capable of identifying and see through my target. I am your vision."-Zeruna

"Gera is the name. I am capable of using Redon's style. One of a melee teachings that requires the use of the body to use a striking force that is varied by ones movement of the body."

"Ruggs. I am able to cast winds at the grace of my palms and harness a wind's body. I shall deflect you of projectiles."

Then a mysterious shadow entered under the refuge and voiced out.

"I've withstood storms so that this system will live. And that people will continue to flourish. I am not going to let these scoundrels be the corruption of influence. Children,I am Kargist the founder of the system. I've lead one heck of a heard of the souls of the animals. I don't see anything wrong with our numbers now no?"-Kargist

"That's good to hear. Now we shall give them our answers. We take down the leader and let them witness his downfall so that the people will know what we are. We are gonna fight!"

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