The Triple B - Part 8

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The Triple B - Part 8

We rode for about fifteen minutes before we got to his house. I had a flashback to the day it happened as we rode up to the sidewalk. We were in love, and that’s the way it’s supposed to happen, unfortunately we didn’t stay in love. And we were fine with that, because we got a great friendship out of it.

When Mase left I was pretty upset, Sam didn’t know it, but we had just done it a few weeks ago, and I thought he was leaving because of me. But I realized that that wasn’t it, because he came back.

We ot off of the bike and went into his house. It was the same as it was back then, and I wondered if his parents had changed anything at all.

“You wanna watch some TV?” Mase asked as we sat down on his couch.

“Sure, what’s on?” I asked

“Uhmm I don’t know, you look while I get us snacks kay?” I nodded and flipped channels, there wasn’t much on, but I finally decided on Grey’s Anatomy, I loved this show.

Mase groaned when he came in. “Really Scar?” He asked with disdain.

“Yesss, this show is boss! How could you not like it? Now sit down and stop whining.” I demanded.

He sat down then handed me some popcorn and a juice box. Yummm!

“I love juice boxes! WOOOO!” I said grinning.

“Yeah I remember.” He said laughing.

I was about to respond when my phone buzzed, and buzzed and buzzed.

Sam was calling me of course. I pressed ignore, then Mase’s phone rang.

“Scar you have to go home eventually.” He said after ignoring the call.

“Noooo.” I whined. “Can’t I just be a traveling hobo?”

Mase smiled, then frowned. “No, you can’t you need to go home, your brother is probably worried.”

“Sooo? He’s a meanie anyway.”

Mase shook his head. “You need to face this, I’ll back you up. You really should go back. We didn’t think this through.”

I sighed but stood up. “Fine, but if he murders me and chops my body up into little pieces, I will haunt you forever.”

Mase sighed and shook his head. “Looking forward to it.”


Im really sorry its so short, but I wrote right? Soooo busy :/ It's also crappy, bleeeeh, sowwy :(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2011 ⏰

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