The Triple B - Part 3

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The Triple B - Part 3 : Love Perhaps?

I had no idea that while I was meeting this cute guy, my brother was making a really big mistake.

When I had gotten home I found Sam in his room, Emily however, was not there.

"Hey bro, where's Emily?"

"What are you talking about?" He asked, trying to be nonchalant, which was totally not working. He chuckled nervously.

"I'm talking about the girl you were hard core making out with just a couple hours ago. Where is she?" I asked him accusingly.

"Well, she um, had to leave."

I raised my eyebrows in question. "Sam, what's going on?"

"I think I messed up royally Scar, I did a really douchey thing, after we had finished kissing, I, well I kicked her out. I was confused, I-"

I cut him off. "You JACKASS! Why would you do that?! No one deserves that! You don't even do that to your sluts! What are you thinking?"  I said furiously, I was really cheesed off, stupid jerk!

"I was confused! The kiss wasn't like any other kiss I've ever had, it was special, different." he said quietly.

"If you like her so much, you should tell her! We've all known you've had a crush on her since you met her. It was pretty obvious, always staring at her. And the other day you were practically putting holes through Bane with you glare."

"Yeah, if only she would notice. She thinks I'm a jerk, she doesn't like me."

"She kissed you right? That must mean something, right?"

"Well yeah, I guess, but, I still don't think she likes me." He said sighing, you could see the anxiety in his eyes, and for once I felt bad for my brother.

"Well you should show her you aren't what she thinks you are. Change your ways, be nice to her, give her gifts, court her. We girls love that stuff, it's romantic." I said smiling, remembering Bentley and the park.

"Really? You think that would work?" He asked hope shining in his eyes.

"I think it's worth a try, you like her right? Try, for her." I said gently.

"Well I guess I could try." He said smiling tentatively.

"That's the spirit bro. Win the girl." I giggled and left his room, I needed another nap.


At school the next day I watched as Sam nervously paced in front of Emily's locker.

He was exceptionally nervous about putting flowers in her locker.

"Dude, just put them in and be done with, you put your name on them right?"

"Yeah, I did, are you sure this will work Scar? What if she doesn't like me? What if she throws them away? What if-"

"Dude, shut up. Just do it, she'll be getting to school soon."

"Fine." Sam said nervously as he opened her locker and put them in.

"Good, now lets get out of here. Before she sees us. Alright?"

"Ok, ok. Lets go." He said begrudgingly, looking wearily at her locker. I pulled him away quickly before he could take them out.

Throughout the day I got texts from Sam about Emily, she hadn't said anything to him yet, but she hadn't looked upset either though, according to him.

I hadn't realized how much of a crush he had on this girl, it was pretty funny actually, to see my brother of a player pining after a girl, who so far didn't seem to want anything to do with him.

I was walking to my last period class when a a hand shot from around the corner and pulled me against the wall.

I looked at the culprit and was pretty shocked.

"Emily? What's up?" I asked curiously.

"Did Sam really put those flowers in my locker for real? Or was it just some cruel prank?" She asked half sad half angry.

"No, it's for real, Emily, he's been really torn up about it. I've never seen him like this before. About anyone."

"Really?" she asked, she seemed confused, and maybe a bit happy even.

"Yeah, Emily, I think he really likes you, you should talk to him about it."

"You think?" I was looking down at her, bu for the first time she actually looked as vulnerable as she was short.

"Definitely." I said smiling at her.

Emily surprised me and quickly hugging me, then running off down the hallway. Which shocked me thoroughly, was the Triple B melting? What had come to the world?

Love perhaps?

Well damn.

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