The Triple B - Part 1

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The Triple B - Part 1 : Jealousy

I walked up to my locker that I shared with my best friend Harley. She totally understood me, and we had so much in common that we sometimes finished each others sentences, sad, but true. She was also about the only girl in the school, aside from Emily, that had not dated, or don't something intimate with my brother.

It was great, she wasn't at all attracted to my brother, she liked the smaller, but equally hot type, her boy friend, Nate, was really nice and smart, but still really cute. She was probably the only girl that put up with my brother, and he actually was civil to her, without rude comments or gestures.

I smiled at her and grabbed my books out of our locker. We had homeroom together, so I walked with her and we talked about our nights.

My brother had, had another girl in his room last night and it was actually pretty disturbing. Usually he didn't make me listen, by doing it at their house, or when I wasn't home, but he had been really moody lately.

Now, don't believe everything I say, but I think it's because Emily has recently gotten a new boyfriend. He was hot, there was no doubt, but he didn't seem like the nicest guy out there, but if Emily was dating him, then he must be good to her, because she did not put up with players or jerks.

Emily was a firecracker, and I had no doubt she would never let anyone push her around; did I mention she's a red head?

We walked into homeroom and I saw Sam glaring at Bane, Emily's new beau. I chuckled and shook my head, it was obvious he was practically in love with her, but he probably wouldn't give up his player-y ways for her. And that's where he lost her.

Harley giggled as she noticed Sam's distaste. "Is he really still pining after her? It's been a year! They haven't even talked."

I chuckled and shook my head, "I know, he's really in deep, I mean look at him, and he's ready to rip poor Bane's head off."

"Who knew?" Harley said chuckling. I shrugged, and was about to answer her when our homeroom teacher came busting into the classroom.

Mr. Mackey, one of the most scatterbrained teachers I have ever had, he had no idea about anything that was going on. If he didn't have a book to teach from, he'd be lost on each lesson we had, but he actually was very smart.

Homeroom passed and so did first, second, and third period. It felt like the day had been flying by, and now it was fourth, I had a free period, so I almost always went home for lunch, since lunch was fifth period. I was especially tired today, so I decided a nap would be great. I quickly fell asleep. If only I hadn't, maybe then this mess wouldn't have happened.

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