Chapter 2

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You write the last word of your story into your diary. This may be the last time you're able to do that. Your diary is one of the only things you have left. You have your phone but it's basically useless at this point with no way to charge it. You have no food, no fire, no more big guns, and no more family. You are currently responsible for this eight year old girl's life on your own again.

This sucks major ass. You are so thankful that you have Ella there with you. You just don't want her to get hurt because of you. You have nothing left. What can you do?

You start to silently cry and remember that you need to be strong for Ella, this sad, little girl that is asleep in your lap right now. The girl didn't know where her parents were and watched her aunt turn right in front of her. You need to be strong for her.

Suddenly, you hear footsteps coming from the opposite end of the tunnel. They're not the sporadic footsteps that those creatures have, they're definitely human. Just one human, alone. It's not nearly as terrifying but it's still not a good idea to trust everyone.

You silently reach for your only gun, your pistol, and swiftly pull the blanket over your's and Ella's heads. You don't have time to hide, this person is already in the tunnel.

You hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. The footsteps sound firm and confident, most likely a man wearing boots. You hold your hand over Ella's mouth knowing that she's a screamer and aim the pistol from your chest.

"Please don't be afraid of me, I only need some help," the mystery person says.

It was definitely a man. He could be lying. You can't trust him.

You stay silent as the footsteps are definitely right in front of you now.

"If you can help me, I can help you. Please. I am looking for a girl who looks like...," the mystery man says as he pulls the blanket off of the two of you. "Ella!?"

"Uncle!" Ella shouts to the man.

"Wait, Ella? Uncle? This is your uncle!?" you ask her in disbelief.

You then look up to him from the ground and see a shockingly handsome man, especially handsome for the circumstances you're in. He's wearing a black leather jacket, torn black jeans and black combat boots. Ella's uncle sure is one attractive man. He even smells good. How the hell does this man smell good? You haven't been able to take a shower in three weeks now, you probably reek.

"Yes! Uncle Jungkook!" she says as she leaps into his arms. "Do you know where my daddies are!?"

"Of course, I know where your daddies are! Let's go right now!" he says as he's putting her on his back. "We haven't stopped looking for you Ella. Now that we have you, we can all be safe. Are you hungry?"

You are over the moon about Ella getting to reunite with her dads again. But, you can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous of her. Your family just died, quite literally hours ago. Now, you have to say goodbye to the only person you had left.

"Wait, who even are you, woman?" The man makes a funny face and points to you with one hand, the other still cradling Ella.

"I-I mean, my family and I have been taking care of Ella for the past three months. We've grown to love her a lot," you reply with a cautious smile.

"You're taking care of her, how exactly? You two were in this dark tunnel alone with no food. She is probably starving." He is getting more aggressive with his words. Oh no, this doesn't feel good.

"I promise, we ate this afternoon! It's just that-," you start to back away from him.

"THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS!" he interrupts you as you back up even more. This man is getting a little too aggressive and you're almost sure you're about to die.

"Her mommy and daddy just died in front of our eyes, Uncle!" Ella yells to him. "Today!" It hits a nerve in your heart to hear somebody say that out loud.

"Oh...shit. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was like that," the man apologized. He makes a face as if he really regrets yelling at you and reaches a hand out to your shoulder just for you to smack it away as you snap out of the sadness.

"Listen dude, we had a whole truck. My family and I. Fully equipped with weapons, food, a place to sleep, and my family. It wasn't just my parents, it was my two sisters too."

"I'm so sorry," he says, looking at the ground. Suddenly, the hot, scary guy who looked like he was going to kill you, looks like a sad puppy.

"Don't be. It was bound to happen, right? I'm just happy I had Ella. She's been with me since day one of this bullshit," you say to him as you kick a few rocks before stepping a bit closer. "I saved Ella. After her...her uh, aunt got turned."

"Fuck. So, Scarlett really is gone, huh? Shit man. Nah, it's okay, we're okay. We should've seen this coming." You can sense him holding back the urge to choke up.

"Oh no, oh no. Please don't tell me she was your wife..." You think out loud accidentally.

"No, she's not my wife. It's my brother's wife. Her uncle Jimin's wife. I have to tell him when we get back." He seems so unphased by this, like this is normal for him. "Anyways, we really need to get going. It's too dark out. Motorcycle is this way." He starts walking the way he came from.

"Okay. I hope you guys have a safe trip to where you're going," you say as you reach out to hug Ella.

"I meant you too, idiot," he says and pinches one of your cheeks. Weirdo.


"But, but, I don't care. You're coming with us, your whole family just died. We can help you. You took care of Ella, the only thing we cared about. We owe you everything." He is still walking away but you begin to follow.

"Seriously, though!? You just said you have a motorcycle. All three of us won't fit on it."

"Trust me, it's bigger than you think," he says and then turns around and winks at you. Oh great, he's definitely one of those boys.

You roll your eyes and giggle in an attempt to not be rude to the one man offering to help you. "Do you even have helmets?"

"We're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, honey. I don't think there's many rules left." Jesus, he's brutal. But, it's also really hot. "Wait, before we leave, can I maybe get your name?"

"It's y/n."

"I'm happy we met, y/n. I'm Jungkook. I'm sure we're going to get along just fine," he says while looking you up and down.

It's not a good feeling to have a man, especially this attractive, looking you up and down when you are genuinely feeling uglier than you have in your entire life. Your hair is in a disastrous high ponytail, your jeans are torn and stained in places they probably shouldn't be, and your t-shirt is plain and grey, featuring more blood stains. Definitely not your cutest look yet.

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