Chapter 3: The Calm Before The Storm

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Professor Oak's Lab

09:12 KNST (Kanto Standard Time)

Ash and his crew touched down in Kanto at Viridian City and made double time towards Oak's lab using their flying Pokemon. Ash hurried to Oak's lab, eager to find out what was happening and why he urgently was needed.

Upon entering Oak's lab, the professor was already waiting for him by the big screen. "Ash my boy, I received an email with some information on the tournament you'll be wanting to hear."

Ash waited for Oak to keep speaking "Such as???" The raven haired trainer said impatiently. Oak sighed "Look Ash, there's no easy way to say this. The matchups have been sent out for the first round." Instantly, Ash's mind began running through potential foes, maybe he'd get to battle Cynthia and her Garchomp? Or Raihan and his Duaraladon? Or maybe even-

Oak interrupted his day dreaming. "Look Ash.... there's no easy way to say this but you've already battled your opponent before." Ash was confused and gave Oak a strange look. Oak took a deep sigh and spilled the news to Ash "Look. You're gonna battle Tobias. As in Tobias with the Darkrai from the Sinnoh league." Ash felt his heart sink. "Well..... I've matured as a trainer since Sinnoh, who's to say that I can't beat him again." Goh smiled and agreed with him "Oh absolutely Ash, If anyone can do it you can. I've seen your battle in Sinnoh with him, Tobias just brute forces his way through with legendaries. He has zero skill as a trainer." Serena chimed in happily "Ash... one of our mottos in Kalos and honestly one for my life has been to never give up until it's over. I don't care how many legendaries this bastard has. He doesn't have what you have." Ash blushed slightly at this comment and looked back at Oak. "Yeah.... You're right. I have just the Pokemon in mind to counter his Darkrai." Oak smiled "Oh and one more thing, there is going to be a meeting in Galar for the contestants of the tournament so you're gonna have to fly to Wyndon in a few days. At that meeting the format of the tournament will be revealed to the public the same day as the contestants."

Ash nodded and began mentally planning a squad to end Tobias. No matter what, he'd never give up till the end. His story was just getting good.

Delia cooked an amazing dinner for the group and the whole bunch of them caught up on recent events and shared stories with each other. Soon enough it was time for bed. Ash and Goh shared his room and Serena got the guest room.

The next day

Serena heard creaking noises at 7am and assumed it was wind, after all Pallet Town got some rough weather this time of year. She heard a "Pika Pika Pika!" and was confused. What on earth was Ash doing up at this time of day?

She threw on a hoodie and opened her door. She quickly walked over close to Ash's room and saw his door slightly creaked open. He was sitting down at a desk with a notepad, scribbing down and erasing something which seemed to frustrate him. He sighed and took a deep breath before looking up and at Serena who made his door creak. "Goodmorning Serena! Why are you up at this time of day?" She figured that honesty would be the best policy here. "I heard noises from your room and went to investigate." Ash gave her an apologetic look "I'm so sorry if I disturbed you." She shook her head and tried to reassure him "No, it's fine it really is. I needed to be productive and I assure you that sleeping in would do me no favors today." Ash looked at her and shrugged "Well... alright."

Goh groaned loudly, implying they should leave. Serena suppressed a giggle and motioned for Ash to leave the room with her. They sat at the downstairs table and she asked him "So what's up with the notepad and scribbles." Ash looked at her and pulled out his Rotom phone. "When I battled Tobias, he used Darkrai and Latios. However, in his loss to Cynthia he forfeited after his Latios fell. Meaning I have no idea about what his other teammates could be." Serena thought for a second and grabbed his hand "Just use a steel type! They resist so many types that you're bound to have sort of an advantage over him. And use a dragon type for Latios! I'm sure you have some in mind." Ash stayed quiet for a second "Yeah but I don't have any raw steel types at Oak's lab. Wait a second. THATS IT!"

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