Chapter 5: Daylight

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21:30 AST (Alola Standard Time)

Kukui's Lab/House

Melemele Island

A party was being held for Ash's victory today. To call it an upset would be an understatement. Most battling websites and odds makers had Ash losing massively. Basically no one besides his friends saw him doing anything today. And he had done it, he had BEATEN TOBIAS! That alone was an achievement. And so to celebrate, Ash's friends set up a party at Kukui's. The professor was talking with Goh, gushing about how cool Alolan regional forms are. Mallow and Kiawe were arguing over something and Ash was talking with Lille about something. Serena sighed. She had lost her voice cheering and she was so proud of Ash. Yet she certainly didn't feel at home among this group. She didn't really have any friends here. Lana interrupted her thoughts and nervously looked at her feet for a moment. "Hey Serena.... Mind if we talk outside for a moment?" Serena's heart sped up. She could make a good guess on what this topic was going to be. The two of them went outside and stood in silence for a moment before Lana sighed and broke the silence "Look Serena, I want to apologize." Serena looked at her confused "What? I just met you two weeks ago. Why do you need to apologize?" Lana started choking up. "Just listen to me ok?" Serena nodded. "When Ash first moved to Pokemon school he was just a friend, but over his stay in Alola I started catching feelings for him. And eventually, I had a full blown crush on him. After his league win and when his time in Alola was winding down, I asked him on a date." Serena felt her heart sink. "He said yes, probably being polite and when we hung out I..... I kissed him" Serena felt her heart sink again "But.... he pushed me away and when I asked why he brought up you. I know you guys aren't dating yet but I know for a fact he has some feelings for you. I support you guys, really! You seem super nice and a great girl for him." Serena smiled and her heart instantly un-sank. Lana then grabbed Serena's hand and her eyes turned red "That being said, If you break his heart I'll feed you to my Sharkpedo and make sure your remains are never found." Serena felt slightly nervous about this abrupt change in Lana's otherwise friendly personality but she wrote it off. Lana changed back to her normal self "Anyways... look, I just wanted to clear things up between us that's all." Serena smiled and gave her a hug. "It's ok Lana, it really is. I totally get what you see in him and we weren't even dating at that time so I can't be mad. Thanks for telling me, you have no idea how much I appreciate it." Lana smiled and the two of them were now friends.


Tobias sat in his hotel room. To say he was mad wouldn't be correct. To be frank, he was almost impressed with Ash and his skill as a trainer. He had managed to do what no one has done in ages and defeat him in a battle. For Cynthia he simply resigned. But Ash really beat him, that's worth something. He had an idea for how he would beat him. Just psyche him out and take him to the place where Ash had suffered his most humiliating defeat. And Tobias's home away from home. UNOVA. He polished a golden Poke Ball. There would be no way Ash could beat him now.

The next day.

Ash woke up with a text from the league.

Participant Ash Ketchum is required to report at Nimbasa Stadium in two weeks for his second battle against participant Tobias. A plane ticket voucher is attached below.

Best of luck

-Pokemon League committee.

Ash sighed and got changed. While he didn't DISLIKE Unova per se, it was his least favorite region comparatively. He just took a step back in Unova and that made him mad. He was better then that! Oh well, nothing he could do to change the past. He was now totally in the dark about Tobias's future Pokemon. Ash walked out in the living room and made himself a small breakfast and turned on the TV and turned on Battle Center on PokeSportsNetwork. Two commentators were arguing about his battle. The one on the left was adamant that he was a fluke, calling his win more on Tobias's blunders and less on his skills as a trainer. The one on the right was agreeing with him, they both said that they were almost certain he'd lose against Tobias next round. Serena walked in and noticed what they were saying and she turned off the TV. She sat down next to him. "Hey, don't listen to them. You're better than they ever will be. Focus on yourself and don't stress. Your abilities as a trainer will carry you through this jerk." Ash smiled at her. "Thanks Serena, means a lot. Seriously" this caused Serena to blush slightly. Goh and Kukui walked in from hearing all of the noise. The professor looked at Ash "So, heard you're off to Unova yeah?" "Yeah, I'm leaving this evening," Ash said. "Any ideas for a team?" Kukui asked. Ash thought for a moment. "Yeah actually, I only need two of my Alola Pokemon and I promised Pikachu a chance here so that makes three." Goh gave Ash a look of curiosity, "So who are you going to bring?" Ash smiled at Goh. "My Lycanroc and a surprise." "Weird combo with Pikachu." Ash shrugged. "I know these three. My Alola team was an amazing squad and I trust them completely. Goh just leaned back in his chair. "At this point Ash I know to trust your judgment." Everyone laughed at that comment.

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