Chapter 6: Lightbringer

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14:30 UST (Unova Standard Time)

Nimbasa City Stadium: 

"Battle Begin"

Tobias sent out his first Pokemon. Of course, it was legendary.
One of the legendary dogs of Johto. The volcano Pokemon, Entei. Entei let out a roar and steam fell from him. Ash threw his first Poke Ball and readied himself. "Alright, Dragonite! I choose you!" Ash threw his Poke Ball and a cream-colored Dragon materialized and let out a yell. Tobias smirked at Ash. "Good choice. Entei here is excited to battle. He hasn't ever had a chance to." Ash felt his heart speed up. Tobias yelled his first command. "Entei use overheat! End this battle quickly" Entei launched a giant flamethrower which swirled towards Dragonite. Ash looked at Dragonite "Dodge! And then do what we practiced!" Dragonite flew up as fast as he could, reaching high above the stadium. The overheat passed straight by dragonite, but Ash could feel the power of the attack from his box. Tobias looked frustrated with this "Entei Ancient Power!" Entei gave out a loud roar and used Ancient Power and lobbed boulders towards the Dragonite hovering in the air. Dragonite wasn't fast enough and took the attack head on.

"Dragonite now! Just what we practiced!" Dragonite let out a roar and flew towards the Entei and struck it with a fist which glowed purple. Dragonite flew away just as quickly as he came.

Tobias questioned Ash. "What? What's the purpose of this? His question was answered when Entei began to shake. Tobias realized what Ash had done. "Well played. But that won't be enough to stop me. I'll just end your dragonite before he can harm me any more! Entei use Overheat!" "Dragonite use protect!" The cream colored dragon glowed and stopped Entei's assault. The crowd roared in approval. In the first minute and a half of the battle, Ash had only used one attack yet he had Tobias's first Pokemon on the ropes already. Ash yelled out his next command. "Dragonite fly up high and start charging up a Dragon Dance!" Dragonite flew up and started glowing black and red and then black yet again. Entei started shaking some more, the poison was clearly doing some damage now. "Our special attack is spent so we have to get physical Entei! Jump towards Dragonite and use Double-Edge!" Entei leaped towards Dragonite and slammed into him high above the stadium. But Dragonite simply regained his composure and flew to the ground gracefully. Whereas Entei had taken a hard hit and was already down on the ground. Tobias cursed to himself. "Fine then, one last ditch effort! Entei use flare blitz!" The legendary dog of Johto gave a mighty roar and coated itself in a red fiery glow. He rushed towards Dragonite and crashed into him before Ash could give an order. But it seemed like Dragonite had used protect of his own accord. And now Entei had taken intense recoil damage. The legendary dog started shaking from the poison damage and gave out one last roar before falling to the ground. Ash jumped up and Dragonite ran towards him and gave him a hug. The referee announced the result of the battle. "Entei is unable to battle! Contestant Tobias please send out your next Pokemon"

Tobias took a deep breath. "Ash I must commend you. You're the first trainer ever to make me run out of legendaries. That's right. I have no more. Now you have the honor of becoming the first trainer in 27 years to face my starter. That's right, once upon a time I too set out on a Pokemon journey with a dream. I hail from a region far away, but that's besides the point. The time is now, I require your assistance Blastoise!"

Tobias threw a mysterious Poke Ball and a strange looking Blastoise emerged out of it. Ash scanned it with his rotom phone and no data was found. Tobias laughed "My blastoise is from an extinct species of the squirtle line, known as Delta Squirtle. They are a dark/fighting type species known for their strength"

(Authors Note: yes this is a delta blastoise from Pokemon Insurgence. Please google it if you haven't played. Couldn't recommend more)

Ash was flabbergasted, he had never seen a "Delta Pokemon" let alone one so massive and strong. He gulped, this would be a hard fight. "Alright Dragonite! Let's do this! Toxic on Blastoise!" Dragonite glowed his fist purple and rushed towards Blastoise. Tobias let out a "humpf" and spoke calmly "Blastoise, don't let him touch you. Use Dark Pulse when he gets close" Dragonite got close and Blastoise unleashed a powerful Dark Pulse which made Ash visibly uncomfortable and sent Dragonite flying back and caused him to flinch. "Blastoise! Attack smart and use focus blast while he is down. Make it fast." A red and orange sphere emerged out of Blastoise and he unleashed it on Dragonite. The cream colored dragon yelped and flew back. Tobias laughed "Blastoise makes him suffer. Use Shadow Claw" The Armored fighting turtle ran towards Dragonite and scratched him brutally. Dragonite let out a loud yelp and went crashing back into the walls. Ash yelled out a counter command "Dragonite! Don't panic! Fly up high and dragon dance again!" Dragonite followed his trainer's order and started charging up. Tobias noticed this "Don't let him get far Blastoise! Focus Blast him down to the ground!" Tobias's blastoise began unleashing focus blast after focus blast. Dragonite dodged them with his increased speed. Tobias groaned. "Fine! Let's play aggressive! Blastoise use Dark Matter!" Ash looked confused. "What?" Blastoise unleashed a wave of pure darkness towards Dragonite. The cream colored dragon was struck hard by the darkness and he seemed to be very weakened, but he wasn't out of it just yet. "Dragonite use toxic quick!" Dragonite rushed towards Blastoise and struck him brutally with a glowing purple fist and tried to fly away quickly. Dragonite wasn't fast enough however, Blastoise had grabbed him and was holding tight. Tobias laughed "Blastoise end this stubborn dragon. Dark Pulse again." Blastoise unleashed a dark pulse, And another one, and another one, and another one. Blastoise released Dragonite who had swirls in his eyes, but not before shaking slightly. It seemed like Dragonite had poisoned Blastoise. Giving Ash a chance. "Dragonite is unable to battle. Contestant Ash please send out your next Pokemon."

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