Chapter 7: Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Author's Note: The format of the tournament is two matches of a three-on-three battle as opposed to a single six on six battle.

10:27 KNST (Kanto Standard Time)

Professor Oak's Lab

Ash was home for a short break between rounds. A week-long break would be between the rounds and Ash wanted to rest easy before he did any stressful training these next few days. He had already devised a team to battle Lance with. Charizard, Greninja and Pikachu. And for the next leg, Krookodile, Sceptile and Infernape. He was very confident in his team, he just had to work with Charizard and Greninja some more. He was in a very good mood however, because today was the day that he was going to meet up with Brock and Misty again.

"Speak of the devil" Ash thought to himself as he heard a knock on his door

Brock walked in Ash's house and the two old friends reunited with a brief hug and started catching up instantly. Ash waved at Misty who was behind Brock. "We got the next two weeks off of our jobs because of the PWC Ash" Brock explained "So we're just gonna chill with you for now"

Ash smiled at hearing this news and told Brock "You're welcome to stay with me. I'm also traveling with Goh and Serena. Serena and Goh meet Brock and Misty. Brock and Misty meet Serena and Goh."

A few days later......

Delia Ketchum was checking the mail. Nothing out of the ordinary, fan letters for Ash, junk mail advertisements and a package? Delia brought the mail in and opened the package, revealing a dark stone in it along with a handwritten note. The note read "I'm sorry. I really am. Tell Ash his dad loves him and good luck in the upcoming tournament. He'll know what to do with this stone. -L"


Ash was pretty pleased with the progress he had made, he had successfully reactivated the Bond Phenomenon with Greninja which almost gave Misty a heart attack. Charizard was as strong as ever, and of course Pikachu was in top shape. He was debating whether he should use Dragonite against Charizard again, but Charizard was worn down. His debate was settled when Professor Oak interrupted him, "Hey Ash, your mom really wants to see you. She says that it's urgent." Ash nodded and flew back to his house quickly with the help of Charizard. He soon landed there and his mom was waiting for him. She had tears in her eyes and a package in her hands. Ash was confused "Mom why are you crying?" she started crying harder and choked out words which frightened Ash "It's your father honey.....he sent us a package. He isn't dead." Ash just stood there in silence. "If he isn't dead, why hasn't he come home?" Delia just shook her head "That's what I'm wondering". Ash stayed silent for a moment, holding back tears "So.... what did he send us?" Ash asked. Delia opened her palm and revealed a dark stone in it. Ash gasped and gently took the stone from her. "This...... this is insane." Delia looked at him confused. "What is it?" Ash looked at her with a hint of a tear in his eye. "It's a Mega Charizard X stone. It's the mega stone of the Pokemon that defeated me in the Kalos League. I've wanted one forever but they are incredibly rare and almost impossible to find" Ash gently pocketed the stone. "I don't forgive him after he left us and never came back, but it's good to know that he cares a little about us despite all of that." Delia hugged Ash and the two of them shared a cry.

The next day

Ash was ready for what would be one of the coolest things he's ever done. He palmed the mega stone and put it on Charizard with a small necklace that Professor Oak had on him.

Ash slammed his hand into his keystone and raised it high. A purple light surrounded Charizard and out stepped the creature of Ash's Kalos League nightmares. Charizard roared, clearly wanting to test his new strength against a worthy foe. And there was only one foe who he deemed worthy. Greninja and Charizard had established a small rivalry these past few weeks and they wanted to butt heads. Ash smiled and nodded at Greninja. They established their connection and Ash-Greninja would have another chance at a Mega Charizard. Ash stepped back from the battlefield. He wouldn't interfere in their battle. Even though he felt Greninja's pain slightly, that part of the bond phenomenon had gone away with additional practice since then. Ash stood back and placed bets on the battle with his friends. Misty and Serena had Greninja winning and Goh and Brock had Charizard winning.

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