Ghost of you part 1

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Here I am waking up
Still can't sleep on your side

Drew's pov
I woke up to the first of my four alarms going off. Turning my phone to silent. Not ready to get out of bed yet. Not ready to start another day of filming for that matter. I rolled over staring at the empty side of my bed grabbing the vacant pillow. It still smelled of Y/Ns shampoo. Its been 7 months and I still slept on my side of the bed.
I put her pillow back and got out of bed before I started crying again. Forcing myself to take a shower and get ready for another day on set.
It had only been a week of season 3 filming. Josh Pate said he could postpone my scenes for a month if I needed it. I declined thinking it would help being around everyone again. But it just brought back memories of Y/N.

The shower water turning cold snapped me out of my thoughts.

There's your coffee cup
The lipstick stain fades with time.

I sat down at the kitchen table eating my eggs and drinking my coffee. Staring at the coffee cup on the other side. I refuse to wash it or even move it from its now permanent spot. It still had Y/Ns lip stick stain on it and a ring of coffee in the bottom. I know she would tell me to wash it. That me not moving it wouldn't bring her back. But I just couldn't bring myself to even touch it. The memories of the morning flooded my memory as if it was yesterday.

It was the same as any other morning. Nothing out of the ordinary.
"Morning baby I made you breakfast and there's coffee still in the pot." Y/N said kissing my cheek and sat down at the table. "Thank you love." I grabbed my coffee and sat down at the table. "Hey I have to be on set early today. Josh wants me to look over some concept ideas for live action shots to take while you guys shoot today. I'll meet you on set in two hours. I love you see ya in a bit." Y/N said kissing me goodbye. "All right I'll see ya in a few hours babe." I responded taking another sip of my coffee as she left our apartment.

Grabbing my plate to put in the sink. My plate hitting a cup that was already in there. Breaking both of the dishes. "FUCKEN HELL" I yelled as the tears started again. I grabbed my phone calling Madison. "Hey Drew what's up." She answered. But all I could get out in between sobs was a quiet "please come." "I'll be right there I'm leaving right now." Was all she said before hanging up the phone.
Hearing keys in the door. "Drew, I'm here where are you?" Madison said walking into the apartment. "Oh Drew come here." She said as she walked into the kitchen sitting down beside me. "I should have gone with her, I should have driven!" I cried into her shoulder. "I could have prevented it."
"Drew You don't know that. You can't blame your self. I know easer said then done."
"I miss her so much."
"I miss her too Drew. I miss her every day." Madison said now crying her self. "God damn it. Madie I haven't even touched her stuff in the closet. I go to bed expecting to wake up with her by my side. It's been 7 months and I'm still waiting for her to walk back through that front door." Slowing down my breath just enough to be able to talk.
"I still sit in my trailer waiting for her to come and eat lunch with me. To show me the pictures she took of us that day. I miss her so much and I can't imagine how much you miss her." Madison ran her hand up and down my shoulder and whipped her eyes with her free hand. "How am I ever going to go on from here Madison. They say eventually it get easier. But I just feel like it get harder every day I wake up with out her beside me."

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