Teach me how to flirt, Three.

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Teach me how to flirt.

Chapter three:

Noah had his mouth hanging open, with slight drool on the side.

“He seems really shocked,” said Zack as he wrapped his arms easily around Ella’s waist, which silently followed his stride.

As they reached the front door, Ella found herself staring at Noah’s flushed face. He was hurt, she knew it. It was obvious in the way he stood and watched her.

Her heart ran like a horse and she found her breathing shallow. ‘No, no she won’t cry. She loved him, but he cheated on her. She can’t just forgive him. She has to make him pay.’

But why did she suddenly regret the arrangement she did?

Zack however, was watching Noah with an amused grin on his face. The dude was shocked beyond belief and his stare would cut into their flesh if it was a knife.

“Well, see you later babe,” He spoke with the greatest conviction and turned the silent Ella around to drop a kiss on her mouth. He noticed how her eyes were teary and her lips quivered before he touched her, and for some reason he didn’t want to kiss her. He felt like he was forcing her into something.

For the first time, he truly realized that this couple seriously did love each other. It’s strange how people in love tend to mess up big time and then come back begging for forgiveness.

Should he leave her and let them be together? He was sure that if he left right now, they will end up in bed together. But he wanted her to teach him how to flirt. He needed her. Was it so selfish for him to think this way? Why is he feeling like the bad guy?

Standing behind her while she fiddled with her keys before opening the door, he threw a quizzical look at Noah’s direction. Noah’s eyes held one word. ‘Hatred’.

As soon as Ella entered the house and closed the door behind her, she ran towards her room and threw herself on the bed sobbing.

‘There it is. The feelings she hid inside her all this day. Flowing out of her.’

Her soul was trying to escape her form, a part inside her wished to run downstairs and open the door to engulf Noah in a reconciling kiss, but another logical part wanted to grab Zack by the collar and take him inside her house in front of Noah’s eyes to burn him. She was contradicting herself and that killed her.

But, on the other side, Zack stood in front of Noah who was now speechless. It seems like he thought she would talk to him.

“What are you doing here?” Zack asked strongly. Noah’s eyes moved to his before they narrowed.

“What are you doing here?” Noah diverted the question; Zack grinned and said, “I’m here to drop my girlfriend off.”

Noah’s eyes widened and he looked at the front door before looking at Zack and that process repeated for a while before he said, “No, she’s my girlfriend not yours.”

Zack frowned and asked, “I’m sorry dude, I don’t know who you are, and now you’re telling me that you are my girlfriend’s boyfriend?”

Noah started fuming and Zack actually felt sorry for the guy.

“Look, I have to go now. But I don’t feel comfortable leaving my girl in her house with a man like you waiting at her front door.”

Noah’s hands turned into fists and Zack could have sworn that he saw tears in Noah’s eyes.

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