teach me how to flirt, chapter sixteen.

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Teach me how to flirt.

Chapter sixteen:


“No mother, I am not joking. I am truly in love with her.” Zachariah spat as he paced in front of Ella’s house.

“yes, I don’t know how or when.” he glared at the grass.

Why did he call his mother again?

“mom, how can I tell her?”


“how can’t you help me? Fine, bye.” He said before he hung up a little angry… or well, worried.

He holds massive amounts of respect for all women. But when all the respect turns to love, that’s when things turn ugly for him, he’s not only an epic fail in flirting… or used to be, but he is an epic fail with emotions in general.

He could just walk to her room, kiss her senseless and spit the words ‘I love you’ without her noticing.

Then how is it considered telling her, you idiot!

He passed his fingers through his hair and turned to look at the car, he could just leave and see her tomorrow. Maybe he is high on emotions that he thinks he is in love with her.

But, his heart was proving that Zachariah Renaldo was indeed in love with Ella.

And he won’t let her go, he had to tell her…

Walking towards the front door so slowly as if he is waiting to chicken out of it, he kept thinking of a sweet conversation to start that would ‘miraculously’ lead to him spilling the beans.

He knocked on the door twice, hoping that no one would answer and so it would be an excuse for him to leave.

The door opened suddenly and Zack truly hoped the blood didn’t drain out of his face.

Ella’s mother stood there, with a smile on her face that reminded Zachariah of Ella.

“um, hello ma’am.” He said awkwardly bewildered at the fact that Ella wasn’t the one who opened the door, she’s always the one who gets it.

“Zachariah! How are you?” she said happily as she leant on the door’s frame. Obviously telling him that he’s not going in.

“I’m here to see Ella.” He said flatly. The mother looked him up and down before saying,” she’s asleep.”

He shrugged and said,” so? We’ve been sleeping together when you guys leave her alone.”

The woman’s eyes widened presumably thinking of his words as something completely different. Zach desperately corrected her thoughts.” I mean, we sleep in the most innocent sense.”

The woman nodded skeptically before telling him,” I’m sorry but you’re not coming in.”

Zachariah feeling angry suddenly spat,” hey, you’re always missing from your daughter’s life and she’s not over it just so you would know. And I have always been there for her, comforting her and advising her and now just because you’re at home, you think you have the right to tell me to go away? I’ve lived in this house more than you ever did.”

The woman stared at him. Zack was frozen after going over what he said, he actually crossed all the bold red lines laid out in front him. That woman would easily throw him out because of what he said. Unexpectedly, tears filled the woman’s eyes and she silently took a side step to let him in.

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