Teach me how to flirt, Twenty six

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Teach me how to flirt

Chapter twenty six:

Ella took a bite off her sandwich whilst glaring at the letter. He was now in Stanford for sure, maybe studying his ass off to succeed, what might be inside the letter?

She knew, she just knew that the letter wasn’t a bad one. But why didn’t she read it already?

Maybe, she’s scared of the goodbye in there, this little white paper might hold a lot of reasons why he loves her, or words she already missed crazily, and as a result she’d relapse into a dangerous ‘No Zachariah’ Syndrome.

Her home’s phone rang but she ignored it, she truly didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now.

Her mind clouding over her heart, she diverted her eyes from the letter before taking another bite.

God, she missed him.

How was he…

She always absolutely abhorred goodbyes and Zachariah was one of the hardest goodbyes she was prevented from going through.

It was so fast what she decided and what she did.

She quickly jumped off the chair and grabbed the envelope and walked to the kitchen, she was wearing A t shirt of Zachariah’s from his last visit, around her neck was his tie that made a home out of Ella’s living room, and her body was drowned in his shaving cream smell since she kept rubbing it all over her arms earlier.

All in all, Ella was acting completely pathetic.

She glared at the letter through the ray ban glasses she had on –which were his- and suddenly, threw the letter in between the stove’s flames.

The paper coiled with the attack from the fire, the whites turned into brown

She couldn’t really understand her behavior but she just couldn’t read it. This long distant relationship thing was destined to fail.

“Who says?” her conscience whispered inside her mind and it made Ella’s eyes watch the envelope –with the letter- burn.

“God damn it Zachariah! I hate you for making me love you!” she screamed as she took off the glasses and threw them on the table furiously before saving the burning letter and patting it with her palm to kill the fire. Her fingers got the letter out of the semi-burned envelope and unfolded it.


It read,

Ella, I must go. You have broken an arm and the last couple of days you were a mess. I stayed as long as I could, but when you were better I had to go to Stanford. It’s a part of my future you know.

Well, I cried like a baby while telling you goodbye, thank god you were too tired to understand my tears because if you did understand my agony in leaving you, you wouldn’t have let me go. I absolutely love you, and I can’t even begin explaining the fear consuming me with the fact that you will be away from me.

Am I acting like a sissy now? Haha, well, I don’t care.

And please sweetheart, I didn’t choose Stanford over you. I know you, and I am sure you’ll start turning the tables and switching the truths and it will end with you feeling I left you because I didn’t want to stay.

I absolutely wanted to stay, but as I said earlier chika, Stanford is just a part of my future,

You are the whole rest.

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