Teach me how to flirt, chapter eighteen.

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Teach me how to flirt.

Chapter eighteen:

“No, wear that one.” Zachariah whined as he pulled the shirt Ella was holding and giving her a black pencil dress she absolutely hated.

“I hate that!” she exclaimed scrunching her face, Zack rolled his eyes.

“Why the hell would you hate that? You’re going to be extremely sexy in that black dress.”

“No, I’m going to look slutty, there’s a difference. But as you think with your dick, I –“

“whoa whoa, did you just say I think with my Dick?” he asked blown away.

Ella stood awkwardly for a second before shooting, “yeah, who doesn’t”

“Me?” he said sarcastically and Ella didn’t prevent herself from snickering.

“puhlease, you were so into that naked girl in the pool the first time I saw you, good thing you didn’t hump her on the way.”

Zack couldn’t move, were they truly discussing how his sexual desire affects his logical sense?

“Chika, I don’t think with my dick ever, just like you don’t think with your boobs.”

Ella turned around and Zack chuckled when he noticed the blush creeping up her cheek.

“You didn’t just say that!” she said surprised.

“Yeah. I. did.” He said as he leant sexily on the wall beside her.

Zack didn’t actually understand why they were talking about something so stupid, but when he suddenly found Ella throwing the dress she was holding on the floor, attacking him with her lips and pinning him to the wall, he realized that even though it was kind of lame, obviously Ella was turned on by that.

And he loved it.


“I can’t believe you got me into that dress!” Ella hissed as both of them entered the restaurant they agreed on with Maryanne.

“You didn’t want the black one, so I just forced the pink one on you.” Zack whispered sexily as he leant towards her and guided her softly with his palm against the end of her back.

When Maryanne saw them, her mouth dropped to the floor and by such, Noah – whose back faced them- turned as well. Something evident flickered across his eyes, but Zack chose to ignore it, thinking maybe –just maybe- it was his jealous boyfriend mode in action.

“Hey Mary,” Ella said happily hugging her friend. Zack smiled at Mary as he took the purse that Ella held in front of his face.

“If you didn’t want the purse, you could have left it.” He commented as he nodded towards Noah who stiffly nodded in return.

“Shut up babe. Hey Noah.” Ella scolded Zack flirtingly before saluting Noah casually and even leant to kiss his cheek quickly. Zachariah would have broken Noah’s everything if he wasn’t trusting Ella.

Too bad he trusted her with his life.

Ella sat down opposite to Noah and between Mary and Zachariah, the seating arrangements were smart and Zack believed that the two girlfriends sitting and sending each other secret glances had something to do with that. Good thing they cared, no one would want a scene now, right?

Noah had his eyes on Ella for the whole evening; it would only fall if Ella leant to kiss Zachariah or if Mary felt the urge to feel loved as well. There was something about him that gave Zack’s insides a turn but he ignored it –as well- hoping that his boyfriend mode was just acting up on him.

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