Chapter 8

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"Regina please, you have to understand where we're coming from with all this." Mary Margaret explained, knitting her brow together, " Put yourself in our shoes... If your child insisted on being with someone that you felt would only hurt them in the end, how would you feel? You know you would never allow it!" Taking a softer tone, she continued, "In fact, Regina, you would do everything in your power to stop them. So please, please do the right thing. Just walk away from Emma. Let her live the life she was meant to live." Mary Margarett pleaded.

"What happened to second chances?!" Regina pleaded back, "I've changed... I am not the woman I was. Why can you not see that I love Emma, I love her with everything that I am. She has changed me... Emma makes me a better person. I am sorry for all that happened in the past, I really am... but I love Emma and I want to be with her." Regina replied.

Regina could feel the emotion rising inside her as she thought back to the argument she last had with Emma's parents.

The thought of Emma not being there with her was hard. It had only been a few days that they had been apart, but for Regina it felt like a lifetime spent living in a whole new curse; being separated from the woman she loved.

She now knew the pain she had once caused everyone with the first curse, separating them all from their families and loved ones.

Now, Regina understood their pain, but no matter the emotions she was feeling, she would not let it show. She would never let anyone see her as weak.

Quickly, she wiped her eyes before the tears welling up inside them had a chance to fall.

Why could they not understand her love for Emma? Why could they not see how in love they truly were?

Throwing her head back in frustration, Regina closed her eyes allowing the memories to flood her mind again.

Mary Margarett glanced at Regina. Try as she might to hide them, Emma's mother had seen the water well up in her eyes. Regina knew it. Her face said it all. Mary Margarette looked at her with that pitiful look she always gave when she felt sorry for someone, finishing it up with that small warming smile.

Regina balled her hands into fists, how could she have let them see that side of her?? Maybe its what they needed to see though... Maybe.. maybe seeing that vulnerable side to Regina is what would convince them of how true Regina's love was for Emma.

Regina sighed as she turned in her chair. Looking out of the big bay window behind her desk, she tried her best to gather herself together again, but it was no use. Regina felt like her heart had been shattered by Mary Margaret's words. Regina felt scared and suddenly very alone now. Was she starting to doubt herself? Was she beginning to doubt her love for Emma? Was she starting to believe what they were saying? Maybe it was true.. maybe she wasn't good enough for Emma. Maybe Emma was better off without Regina after all...


Emma sat alone in her hotel room, her head still spinning from the events of the day. She pulled her laptop out from her bag and began reviewing the case notes sent to her from the office. Emma glanced at her phone for a second, taking a sip of her coffee,

 "Ugh, it's just after 8am.."She thought to herself. 

"Only a couple hours left before I meet up with my contact."

 Slowly and methodically, Emma combed through the file, making notations in her notebook to remind herself of important questions she wanted to ask during this meeting. 

 However, at times she felt her mind wonder into a daydream state as she continued to work. Usually Emma found it easy to keep her mind strictly professional when it came to work, but.. there was something about this client.. This client, Roni, had a different effect on her completely, and she found her mind wander off the professional path.. Emma couldn't understand why or what it was but there was something..... 

 Putting her pen down, Emma studied the photo of Ronni that was clipped to the file.

 "I know I've never met you Roni.. but, why do you look so damn familiar..?" Emma couldn't remember where she had seen her face before.... 

Until she had read further down the case file.... Ronni had been in Boston University. 

 "Shit." She said aloud, "We HAVE met.."Emma flung the laptop to the side and stood up pacing around the room millions of thoughts running through her head... questions mounting up. 

Emma had to find out the truth. Now, Emma found it impossible to concentrate. Something deep inside her was mounting up. Was it Some old feelings? What was it about this Ronni that she couldn't remember.? Did they have a history? Was this history about to come back and bite her? Was this maybe something better left alone? 

 "Shit, shit, shit!" Emma said as she continued to pace the room. "What the hell have I gotten myself into..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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